The solar system with all its planets was never designed for humans. It behaves consistently with the physical laws of the universe. The earth is unique among the planets of our solar system in that it has a high amount of liquid water. The cooling of the earth, the solar energy bombarding the earth, the earth’s revolution around the sun and its rotation on its axis are all part of the normal physical process. Any large phenomena occurring on the earth such as hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, avalanches, tornadoes are not catastrophes. They are all part of earth processes.
If large animal life, including that of humans, gets trapped by these events, its because of inadvertent being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The earth was not designed for humanity. Humans were able to fit into certain ecological niches, some of which have no catastrophes. Other niches are riskier. It is not a design flaw that these riskier niches were not as ideal for humanity as others. Clearly bone-dry deserts and permanent ice sheets are not conductive to thriving humanity. Is this a design flaw? As for the earth as a whole, these are not design flaws. What is the goal of the design? Natural phenomena have no design. They just develop naturally.