The implication of Aristotelian-Thomistic (AT) metaphysics is that to have an adequate explanation in any sense of the word and at all, the Uncaused Cause (AKA Complete Explanation for anything and everything) would, logically speaking, have to explain itself.
It would still, however, have to be an explanation for both itself and all else, which means essentially that claiming “Goddidit” still requires an answer to “How did God do it?” because it is, after all, explanations that are being sought.
Now the problem, it seems to me, is that a judge and jury will permit “Joedidit,” but just as in the game of Clue, that answer doesn’t suffice, it must still be shown how Joe did it – the “means” along with whether he had the motive and opportunity. Now it seems to me that offering an intentional agent as an explanation doesn’t reduce the burden of proof but vastly increases it. With natural causes, an answer to the “How?” is all that is required (provide an explanation of the efficient cause with a supporting outline of material causation as a preamble,) but to offer an agent as perpetrator means that all of Aristotle’s Four Causes must be explicated – material, efficient, formal and final – just as is required in courts of law.
J. Warner Wallace moves quite convincingly in that direction in his book *God’s Crime Scene, *where he uses his skills as a cold-case detective to show that, just like the burden which falls on any detective, in order to prove a perpetrator is the explanation or cause of any outcome whatsoever it is necessary to “move outside the room” to sustain a claim that natural causes don’t suffice to explain what has occurred.
Might be worth a read – I mean if the suspense is really “killing you.” But, of course, it isn’t since you already have cobbled together an “explanation” which isn’t really a complete one but excludes, by definition, any non-natural possibilities. You are the detective who insists the “crime” was merely a natural event justified by insisting that only natural explanations – those found in the room – will be permitted as far as you are concerned.