How can we reconcile the argument of intelligent design with supposed design flaws?

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Still not sure what your point is in terms of the thread topic. You seem to be implying that animals feeding upon other animals entails that such a turn of events cannot have been designed.
Why would predatory behavior be considered in a design? Animals living entirely on plants makes more sense. I just can’t see the purpose of incorporating in the design animals eating other animals. On the other hand, an opportunity for alternate sources of food could have developed independently of any purposeful design.
The laws of nature are fallible because they are intended to support life but they** fail** to do so when they harm and kill living beings.
By stating that the laws fail, you’re saying explicitly that the intelligent designer got it wrong, but if God isn’t perfect then God isn’t necessary and therefore God is created. Can’t see your theology catching on. The laws of nature are not flawed.
They are undoubtedly flaws from the point of view of the victims.
You’ve no way of knowing that, and I doubt whether any victims saw the laws of nature as flawed. You’re the first person I’ve ever met who thinks the laws could and should somehow be conscious of people and animals.
By definition a law of nature must apply in all places at all times. Not just most of the time but always, or it’s not a law. In the same way, a teleological claim must surely apply in all places at all times or it fails.
In that case Jesus didn’t work miracles.
How do you know that God suspends or breaks any laws to work a miracle? Why would God break or ignore his own laws?
Jesus was pointing out the power of God in creating beauty which man cannot emulate.
Jesus is God, he doesn’t need to brag. You’re welcome to continue claiming that Jesus blurts out an aside which has nothing whatsoever to do with his subject, but Jesus never once does that in all the gospels. We better drop this point as we’re just playing ping-pong now.
There is also a trend to science-of-the-gaps by those who believe it can in principle explain everything - including humanity…
Having faith that explanations can be found isn’t an appeal to ignorance, whereas the claim that things not yet explained are therefore inexplicable would be an appeal to ignorance. You’ve no way of knowing that “Nature as a whole is not self-explanatory”.
The laws of nature are fallible because they are intended to support life but they** fail**
to do so when they harm and kill living beings. By stating that the laws fail, you’re saying explicitly that the intelligent designer got it wrong, but if God isn’t perfect then God isn’t necessary and therefore God is created. Can’t see your theology catching on. The laws of nature are not flawed.

Non sequitur. Only God is perfect in every respect. He permits failures because a physical universe without limitations is a fantasy.
They are undoubtedly flaws from the point of view of the victims.
You’ve no way of knowing that, and I doubt whether any victims saw the laws of nature as flawed. You’re the first person I’ve ever met who thinks the laws could and should somehow be conscious of people and animals.

Non sequitur. People cease to believe in God because they believed He is all-mighty and could create a universe without disasters - without necessarily thinking about the implications.*
By definition a law of nature must apply in all places at all times. Not just most of the time but always, or it’s not a law. In the same way, a teleological claim must surely apply in all places at all times or it fails.
*In that case Jesus didn’t work miracles.
How do you know that God suspends or breaks any laws to work a miracle?
Definition of miracle: “An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.” Jesus told the Apostles they would perform miracles in His name.
Why would God break or ignore his own laws?
Jesus was pointing out the power of God in creating beauty which man cannot emulate.
Jesus is God, he doesn’t need to brag. You’re welcome to continue claiming that Jesus blurts out an aside which has nothing whatsoever to do with his subject, but Jesus never once does that in all the gospels. We better drop this point as we’re just playing ping-pong now.

Non sequitur. Jesus was pointing out that we should have faith in God because His power and love create beauty which man cannot emulate.
There is also a trend to science-of-the-gaps by those who believe it can in principle explain everything - including humanity…
Having faith that explanations can be found isn’t an appeal to ignorance, whereas the claim that things not yet explained are therefore inexplicable would be an appeal to ignorance. You’ve no way of knowing that “Nature as a whole is not self-explanatory”.

To claim Nature is self-explanatory makes belief in God superfluous.
The laws of nature are fallible because they are intended to support life but they fail to do so when they harm and kill living beings.
Life became successful but subsequent disasters prove that the laws of nature do not cater for every contingency.
When a meteorite strikes earth and extinguishes dinosaurs, how is that in any way related to support or ruin of life? After the extinction of dinosaurs, mammals began to proliferate. So can we say this event was in support of mammalian life at the expense of reptilian life?
Yes! Sacrifice is a fundamental feature of life and love. If we never make sacrifices for others we are psychopaths. Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice for all of us without exception - including those who reject Him…
Why would predatory behavior be considered in a design? Animals living entirely on plants makes more sense.
Sounds more like a preference on your part than an argument against design.

It makes more sense for all living things to make their own food by converting sunlight into energy. Why have animals at all, then?

Yet animals are more complex biological entities than plants and require much more genetic information (and thus demonstrate MORE design) to keep them functioning properly.
I just can’t see the purpose of incorporating in the design animals eating other animals. On the other hand, an opportunity for alternate sources of food could have developed independently of any purposeful design.
Let me guess, you are probably vegan and don’t like the idea of some animal consuming another.

Again, that merely shows your preference and is not an argument against design.
Non sequitur. Only God is perfect in every respect. He permits failures because a physical universe without limitations is a fantasy.
No, it follows alrgiht. There’s no reason why perfection can’t create perfection, in fact many would argue that perfection cannot logically create imperfection. But either way, your intelligent designer cannot possibly be omnipotent if he is incapable of designing perfection. God is without limit.
Non sequitur. People cease to believe in God because they believed He is all-mighty and could create a universe without disasters - without necessarily thinking about the implications.
No again. Your claim was that disasters “are undoubtedly flaws from the point of view of the victims”. Many of those victims were Catholics, so please post the testimony that leads you to claim that all those Catholics undoubtedly saw them as flaws.
How do you know that God suspends or breaks any laws to work a miracle? Why would God break or ignore his own laws?
Definition of miracle: “An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.” Jesus told the Apostles they would perform miracles in His name.
Again this doesn’t follow. Just because a miracle cannot be explained does not mean that God broke or suspended any of his laws. It just means it can’t (yet) be explained.
Why would God break or ignore his own laws?
God is love all of the time, not just when the moment takes him.
Non sequitur. Jesus was pointing out that we should have faith in God because His power and love create beauty which man cannot emulate.
No he isn’t.
To claim Nature is self-explanatory makes belief in God superfluous.
Nope once more. Christ did not die on the cross to explain Nature. We are saved by his blood, not by an explanation of Nature. Explaining Nature has nothing to do with salvation.
Sounds more like a preference on your part than an argument against design.

It makes more sense for all living things to make their own food by converting sunlight into energy. Why have animals at all, then?

Yet animals are more complex biological entities than plants and require much more genetic information (and thus demonstrate MORE design) to keep them functioning properly.

Let me guess, you are probably vegan and don’t like the idea of some animal consuming another.

Again, that merely shows your preference and is not an argument against design.
I can imagine a scenario that beings exist in peace and they don’t eat each other because they are sustained by God. Is that logically impossible?
Non sequitur. Only God is perfect in every respect. He permits failures because a physical universe without limitations is a fantasy.

No, it follows alrgiht. There’s no reason why perfection can’t create perfection, in fact many would argue that perfection cannot logically create imperfection.
“in every respect” are the key words. Natural laws are an example. All created beings and things are finite and have limitations. Otherwise they would co-exist with God forever.
But either way, your intelligent designer cannot possibly be omnipotent if he is incapable of designing perfection. God is without limit.
God is not incapable of creating absolutely perfect beings any more than God is incapable of destroying Himself. Omnipotence does not entail absurdity.

Non sequitur. People cease to believe in God because they believed He is all-mighty and could create a universe without disasters - without necessarily thinking about the implications.
No again. Your claim was that disasters “are undoubtedly flaws from the point of view of the victims”. Many of those victims were Catholics, so please post the testimony that leads you to claim that all those Catholics undoubtedly saw them as flaws.

“People” does not imply “all people”. There are former Catholics on this forum who cite disasters as the reason for their loss of faith.
How do you know that God suspends or breaks any laws to work a miracle? Why would God break or ignore his own laws?
Definition of miracle: “An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency.” Jesus told the Apostles they would perform miracles in His name.*

Again this doesn’t follow. Just because a miracle cannot be explained does not mean that God broke or suspended any of his laws. It just means it can’t (yet) be explained.

*So you don’t believe Jesus and the Apostles performed miracles?
Why would God break or ignore his own laws?


God is love all of the time, not just when the moment takes him.

Non sequitur. God permits suffering and disasters even though His love is infinite.

Jesus was pointing out that we should have faith in God because His power and love create beauty which man cannot emulate.
No he isn’t.

Unsupported assertions are worthless.
To claim Nature is self-explanatory makes belief in God superfluous.
Nope once more. Christ did not die on the cross to explain Nature. We are saved by his blood, not by an explanation of Nature. Explaining Nature has nothing to do with salvation.

Irrelevant. In this context belief in God is the subject not salvation.
“in every respect” are the key words. Natural laws are an example. All created beings and things are finite and have limitations. Otherwise they would co-exist with God forever.
God is not incapable of creating absolutely perfect beings any more than God is incapable of destroying Himself. Omnipotence does not entail absurdity.
"People" does not imply "all people". There are former Catholics on this forum who cite disasters as the reason for their loss of faith.
*So you don’t believe Jesus and the Apostles performed miracles?

Non sequitur. God permits suffering and disasters even though His love is infinite.

Unsupported assertions are worthless.
 Irrelevant. In this context belief in God is the subject not salvation.

My thoughts exactly. God cannot create God because God is not a contingent being. A Perfect Act of Reality cannot create a Perfect Act of Reality because something that is perfectly real cannot lack reality to begin with. God cannot contradict himself. It is because God is perfect that there can be such a thing as “imperfection” otherwise the word imperfect* (insofar as it functions as a comparison/privation*) would have no objective standard of truth. If evil exists as a privation of the Good then certainly Good objectively exist for there can be no possibility of evil without the existence of a nature that is intrinsically good in nature. So if there is a way things ought to be, if there really is such a thing as good behavior, then a good God certainly exists as the objective standard by which we make the comparison.

We were created to participate in God’s perfection, but this entails a “union”. We are perfect in God only insofar as God’s grace is concerned and not because of something essential to our own natures. Our natures will always have limitations in and of itself. We can eat sugar but we cannot be sugar. We can “have” perfection, but we cannot be identical in nature to that which is ontological perfect in its nature. Thus if God creates anything at all then that thing necessarily has limitations in its nature.

Therefore while we can never be ontological perfect in “nature” we can perfectly and eternally participate in the act of love through the power of God’s grace insofar as our relationship with God is concerned.

To eternally participate in Love is ultimately the reason why we was created. But love has to be freely accepted hence the privation of the good.
Having faith that explanations can be found isn’t an appeal to ignorance, whereas the claim that things not yet explained are therefore inexplicable would be an appeal to ignorance. You’ve no way of knowing that “Nature as a whole is not self-explanatory”.
We can know that physical nature as a whole is not self explanatory because it has potency/potential in its nature. It grows, it changes, it evolves. A perfect antithesis of nothing does not have potency.
I can imagine a scenario that beings exist in peace and they don’t eat each other because they are sustained by God. Is that logically impossible?
Evolution is Gods method of creating. God is not a designer.

As for your question, It’s possible that God could simply sustain creatures in being. Peace however was never the goal of creation. Love is.
Why would God create parasites? Why would God create creatures that torment others? There is no beauty in a tapeworm, a tick, a mange mite, a scabies mite, a chigger, a bed bug, a head louse, a flea, a horse fly, or a mosquito. Excrement has no beauty. Why would God have allowed it drop to the ground and be an eyesore as well as an offensive substance?

Does a hyena, wart hog or wild boar have beauty? How about a horned toad?

Non-harmonious music was created by Stravinsky, Schoenberg, and Berg. Atonal music is performed as if it were a desirable style. Is it beautiful?
The universe is an evolving expression of physical possibility. That is in fact what God created. God did not design it in the same sense that an artist would draw a cow. The possibility of a fly exists in physical reality. That possibility have been actualized because the right circumstances have been actualized.

It is a mistake to think of God as a designer in a direct sense.

The William Paley view of God has been debunked. However, God as the “creator” and sustainer of all physical reality is very much alive and well.
Nope once more. Christ did not die on the cross to explain Nature. We are saved by his blood, not by an explanation of Nature.
Explaining Nature has nothing to do with salvation.
It is correct, at some level, that our ability to explain nature has nothing to do with salvation but that would be because our salvation does not depend upon having knowledge of nature – Christians don’t believe that having gnosis of some kind or other is what saves us.

But that does not imply nature can be self-explanatory.

If nature does explain itself then God need not exist – or, at least, we would have no reason to believe that he does.

Therefore, it is entirely possible that nature not explain itself, that God is necessary AND that an ability to explain nature is entirely irrelevant with regard to the salvation of any particular individual, but that it can be known with certainty that God explains nature without hanging anyone’s salvation on knowing that.

However, it is also true that if there is no reason from nature to believe in God because nature explains itself – that would imply the existence of every aspect of nature including human beings – then no one would think they needed salvation. If being saved depends in any way upon human cooperation but humans have no good reason to cooperate with God because God is irrelevant and unnecessary, then the salvation of any particular individual would seem very unlikely because human thought would not provide any reasons at all for thinking God exists and, therefore, no reasons for thinking we need to be saved.
Evolution is Gods method of creating.
Why universe should ever evolve?
God is not a designer.
That is not correct. How human can be the outcome of creation if God didn’t design?
As for your question, It’s possible that God could simply sustain creatures in being. Peace however was never the goal of creation. Love is.
That is all right. Consider the scenario in which all creatures are in perfect love with each other. Why God didn’t create us in that form considering that He is Love.
God is not incapable of creating absolutely perfect beings any more than God is incapable of destroying Himself. Omnipotence does not entail absurdity.
“For by one offering he has made perfect forever those who are being consecrated.” - Hebrews 10

Perfection creates perfection.
“People” does not imply “all people”. There are former Catholics on this forum who cite disasters as the reason for their loss of faith.
You’ve done nothing to show that even those few ex-Catholics support your claim that disasters “are undoubtedly flaws from the point of view of the victims”.
So you don’t believe Jesus and the Apostles performed miracles?
What? Never said anything of the kind. You gave a definition of miracle as “An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency” and I replied “Just because a miracle cannot be explained does not mean that God broke or suspended any of his laws”. :confused:
Non sequitur. God permits suffering and disasters even though His love is infinite.
Correct, you made a non sequitur.
Unsupported assertions are worthless.
You know very well that I’ve repeatedly supported it many times in previous post, and as I said there’s no point in continuing playing ping-pong with that verse, it’s already all been said.
Christ did not die on the cross to explain Nature. We are saved by his blood, not by an explanation of Nature. Explaining Nature has nothing to do with salvation.
Irrelevant. In this context belief in God is the subject not salvation.
Yikes. Never expected to hear a Catholic say that Christ’s sacrifice is irrelevant to belief.

Belief is entirely about salvation.

"At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” - Luke 4

“Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.” - 1 Cor 15
We can know that physical nature as a whole is not self explanatory because it has potency/potential in its nature. It grows, it changes, it evolves. A perfect antithesis of nothing does not have potency.
The universe is an evolving expression of physical possibility. That is in fact what God created. God did not design it in the same sense that an artist would draw a cow. The possibility of a fly exists in physical reality. That possibility have been actualized because the right circumstances have been actualized.
How is it an explanation to say that a fly exists because there were the right circumstances for its potency to be actualized? To be frank, it seems like a complicated way of saying it’s there because it’s there because it’s there.
*It is a mistake to think of God as a designer in a direct sense.
The William Paley view of God has been debunked. However, God as the “creator” and sustainer of all physical reality is very much alive and well.*
Agreed, scripture talks of God as creator, not designer.
God is not incapable of creating* absolutely perfect beings***
It is absurd to compare human perfection with divine perfection. Key word: " absolutely".
“People” does not imply “all people”. There are former Catholics on this forum who cite disasters as the reason for their loss of faith.
You’ve done nothing to show that even those few ex-Catholics support your claim that disasters “are undoubtedly flaws from the point of view of the victims”.

Loss of faith is an adequate reason.
So you don’t believe Jesus and the Apostles performed miracles?
What? Never said anything of the kind. You gave a definition of miracle as “An extraordinary and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is therefore attributed to a divine agency” and I replied “Just because a miracle cannot be explained does not mean that God broke or suspended any of his laws”.

So you believe the miracles attributed to Jesus and the Apostles have a scientific explanation?
Non sequitur. God permits suffering and disasters even though His love is infinite.
Correct, you made a non sequitur.

So you don’t believe God permits suffering and disasters?
Unsupported assertions are worthless.
You know very well that I’ve repeatedly supported it many times in previous post, and as I said there’s no point in continuing playing ping-pong with that verse, it’s already all been said.

Vague assertions are also worthless. Please cite one example.
Christ did not die on the cross to explain Nature. We are saved by his blood, not by an explanation of Nature. Explaining Nature has nothing to do with salvation.
Irrelevant. In this context belief in God is the subject not salvation.
Yikes. Never expected to hear a Catholic say that Christ’s sacrifice is irrelevant to belief.
Misrepresentation. In this context belief in God is the subject not salvation.
Belief is entirely about salvation.
"At daybreak, Jesus went out to a solitary place. The people were looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. But he said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.” - Luke 4
“Now, brothers and sisters, I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand. By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain.” - 1 Cor 15 “For by one offering he has made perfect forever those who are being consecrated.” - Hebrews 10
Irrelevant. The present topic is the significance of the statement

“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they labour not, neither do they spin. But I say to you, that not even Solomon in all his glory was arrayed as one of these…” - Jesus
How is that related to salvation? :confused:
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