That is a simplistic interpretation of my views. Most events are in neither category because they have physical causes. Design is the ultimate category because the universe is planned and created by God. Chance is restricted to such events as apparently fortuitous combinations of molecules, random genetic mutations and rare coincidences which are dysteleological. In other words purposeful activity is more fundamental and successful than purposeless events; otherwise the progressive development of living organisms would never have occurred in such a violent universe.
There is no conflict whatsoever.Although Design is the
ultimate category it is reflected in the wonder and beauty of objects like a butterfly or the night sky. God generally creates through the laws of nature but there is no reason why He doesn’t intervene whenever necessary. They are not a replacement for divine power but instruments that can be suspended and supplemented. God isn’t the Supreme Mechanic but the Supreme Artist.
If it doesn’t make sense to say God works miracles the teaching of Jesus is false.
Sheer nonsense! You go from one extreme to the other.
You are assuming it is false without explaining why… A very weak argument.
Another nonsensical argument! You go to absurd extremes in a futile attempt to deny that the universe is immensely complex, so complex in fact that it is impossible for scientists to predict precisely when and where disasters are going to occur - not to mention the element of free will…
The very fact that disasters occur. Do you believe God wills them?
Do you have any other explanation? If so produce it.
Since you claim to be a Christian you should know what they are. Do you think Christ’s teaching tells us nothing about God’s plan?
False dilemma! You reject but have no alternative explanation of natural evil.
You don’t seem to be arguing for anything…
On the basis that His power is not so limited as you seem to think.
All the purposes you mention are compatible and not mutually exclusive. If you don’t believe they are true how can you be a Christian?
You’ve gone from “Those are certainly the only alternatives: Chance or Design” back in June to “Most events are in neither category” today.
I think there’s no point pursuing any of this until you clarify what your claim actually is.
I have already refuted that objection and you have failed to answer my questions:
Do you believe God wills disasters?
Do you have any other explanation? If so produce it.
Do you think Christ’s teaching tells us nothing about God’s plan?
Even in a smaller universe there would still be accidents. The onus is on you to explain how every single accident could be prevented without disrupting natural laws and making life even more unpredictable than it is already. It is easy to concoct objections but to justify them is a much more difficult proposition, not surprisingly when we consider that it amounts to criticising God’s handiwork… A feasible blueprint of Utopia still remains to be produced by those who belittle the wonder and the beauty of the universe. Those who have lost loved ones in earthquakes generally realise such disasters are bound to happen sooner or later and don’t blame God for not preventing them. Common sense prevails more often among most people than in philosophical discussions where individuals go to absurd lengths to find far-fetched objections and difficulties to support their views…
You say "Most events are in neither category [chance or design] because they have physical causes ". Yet you say “Even in a smaller universe there would still be accidents”.
Let’s take the smallest possible universe, just empty space. Or the next smallest, containing a single proton and nothing else. No accidents possible. The next smallest is, say, two protons and nothing else. Is that just physical causes or are accidents now possible? At what point are what you call accidents possible?
Your claim rests on a number of assumptions about complexity and so on which are not self-evident and for which you’ve provided no supporting arguments.
Once again you are going to absurd extremes in a futile attempt to prove accidents and coincidences never occur. I shall leave others to decide whether you are being reasonable…