How can you be Democratic and also be Catholic?

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But WHOSE truth? You truth? My truth? My neighbor’s truth? If you are a Catholic, you believe the Church teaches truth.
That’s very close to a relativistic statement.
But how do you know YOUR truth is true? Because you believe it? Because you’re told it’s true? Has God come down and given you some private revelation that your truth is true?
Well, a well known professor from Princeton opined that the absolute right to life should not be conferred until six months post birth. Parents should have a right to change their mind. Is his opinion equally valid?
There is no right to error.
We’re going in circles, if you haven’t noticed. You say “There is no right to error” = “I know the truth. Those other people are wrong. I will make their beliefs illegal.” Again, please flip that and have “the other people” make the laws that will force you to go against your own beliefs. Not a problem?
But how do you know YOUR truth is true? Because you believe it? Because you’re told it’s true? Has God come down and given you some private revelation that your truth is true?
That’s a philosophical debate for another thread. If you’re going down the road of relativism, however, I’m not interested. To quote Roger Scruton, “if someone tells you there is no truth they’re asking to not to believe them. So don’t.”
We’re going in circles, if you haven’t noticed. You say “There is no right to error” = “I know the truth. Those other people are wrong. I will make their beliefs illegal.” Again, please flip that and have “the other people” make the laws that will force you to go against your own beliefs. Not a problem?
Who is talking about making beliefs illegal? We’re talking about acts, not beliefs.
Well, a well known professor from Princeton opined that the absolute right to life should not be conferred until six months post birth. Parents should have a right to change their mind. Is his opinion equally valid?
argghhh…once again (please don’t do this, it’s raising my blood pressure) you are assuming away the point of the debate. You’re assuming that you know the “truth” and he doesn’t. Is his opinion equally valid? Of course! I’m not saying he’s right or wrong, but he has a right to his own opinion. What is the “absolute truth”? You think you know. Others think they know a different absolute truth. Are you simply arguing that you’re right because you’re you? Or if you say “the Church says it’s true” then someone else will simply say “the Qur’an says my view is true.”
To quote Roger Scruton, “if someone tells you there is no truth they’re asking to not to believe them. So don’t.”
Oh there’s “Truth” all right, with a capital ‘T’. But that’s not the issue. The issue is that some people believe they KNOW the “truth” and their opponents do not. I’m not coming along and saying “I know the truth.” I’m saying “I believe X, but I know equally smart, sincere, and pious people believe Y. I have no right to make their views illegal.”
Who is talking about making beliefs illegal? We’re talking about acts, not beliefs.
You are. Most people do not believe all abortions = murder. Their consciences are clear if they have an abortion in accordance with their own beliefs. You want to make their actions illegal.

So you’re saying that if your “belief” is that eating pork is OK, then I’m not infringing on you belief if I outlaw eating pork, I’m just infringing on your actions?
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No one is talking about making views illegal.
Again, if I come along and say “OK, great I’m not going to make your VIEW that going to Mass on Sunday is a good thing illegal, I’m just going to make going to Mass on Sunday illegal.” That’s OK then? Because I’m not making your “view” illegal, just your actions?
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I’m done with this conversation. You’re misunderstanding my point repeatedly. And your views are socially relativistic.
I’m a little startled that you think that it’s tenable that a 6 month old baby might not be a human being. But I was also surprised that Prof. Singer took that position. One of his reasons was that a child might be born with a severe defect that was unknown before birth, so parents should have extra time to abort, just in case.

This idea did not sit well with Harriet MacBryde Johnson, a severely disabled attorney at the time. The two got together for a conversation which Harriet recounted in the NY Times, It makes for interesting reading. I believe it is still available here:
Unspeakable Conversations.

Okay - I get it now! I am only allowed to kill someone if they are currently inside my body.
You’re not supposed to say that, in quite that way, I think.
Why am I not supposed to say that?

There are two situations as I see it. If someone other than God gets inside your body, you are allowed to kill them as self defense. Generally you are allowed to kill whoever is invading your body.

That is radically different from the situation of God putting someone into your body. There it can reasonably be assumed that God has entrusted that person to you. Does that mean you are allowed to kill the person? IDK. Do you think it was like the self defense situation? I really did not understand your question, or this follow up.
Y’all must have had some kind of truth serum.
Truth is always what I try for, I do not need the coercion of a truth serum. I do not know what your point is.
What other than a child has a woman brought to the world?
Nobody ever told me “ wait and see if it barks”
It is disputing in the abstract…at the very bottom of the heart, we know . Not that type of knowledge that comes from books…
We have been wrapped up with words.
When in silence, we know…Across the ages, we have known…
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Well, I can not even get my head around your logic, and you keep repeating the same things, one of which I know is false… I will jump in again if I see something new.
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