How do we filter out fanatical atheists?
First, of course we have to put up a list of the telltale signs of a fanatical atheist.
One of these telltale signs is the insistence that man cannot prove to himself that he exists, therefore he cannot either prove to himself that God exists.
This kind of a claim is all in the mind, because the atheist notwithstanding that he claims he cannot be sure he exists, still he conducts himself normally just like anyone else human, going though his everyday routines of personal life and social life.
So, it does not matter at all in any way in his life outside his mind, that he has this idea that he cannot prove to himself that he exists, except to put up a make-believe mental drama, that he cannot prove to himself he exists, and thereby also others cannot prove to themselves either that they exist, not to themselves and not to fellow humans.
And also more important to him and his fellow fanatical atheists, therefore man cannot prove that God exists.
What is the logic here, that as man cannot prove to himself and fellowmen that man exists, then he cannot prove to himself either that God exists.
This is a tall order, but not really a tall order, because the first order of the day is to rebut his mental attitude that he cannot prove to himself he exists…
I always take this tack when I come across a fanatical atheist who resorts to this mental trick of putting up a wall against his own access to God, by namely insisting that there is no proof, not to himself and not to fellowmen, namely, all mankind cannot prove to themselves each individually to himself and all together cannot prove to themselves mutually as a collective group to one another, that they exist at all.
What is my tack here?
First order of the day is to rebut his denial that he can prove to himself he exists.
Simple, it is to bring the fanatical atheist to come to concur that his statement, one cannot prove to oneself and all mankind also cannot mutually prove to each other that each to himself and all mankind respectively to one another cannot prove existence of themselves to themselves, to come to concur with me namely that such a statement is all in the mind but in everyday reality life, the fanatical atheist conducts himself as genuinely existing: so everyday he wakes up and goes about life to make a living and to have a life.
That is the most crucial distinction between something in the mind only but of no critical impact on everyday actual life from the physiological routines of eating, breathing, washing up, to the task of earning a living, managing a home and conducting the domestic life of marriage and family, or for singles how to keep busy and enjoyable without marriage and family.
At this point the fanatical atheist will insist that, No I am not just into something that is merely in my mind but does not impact on my everyday life.
This fanatical atheist will tell us that he is more free, at peace, under no stress to be so attached to life since life is an illusion, or like in a matrix movie, or closer to ‘reality’ it is all a dream.
How do I turn his mind to come to realization that he does not truly have this kind of an attitude of giving no heck of any concern for staying alive by keeping himself safe from injury and death itself because life is all an illusion, a matrix movie, a dream?
By resorting to a testing of his attitude whether it is all words but when the event should occur to himself that he must act urgently with all his might to save himself from injury and death, he does take all the effort to overcome or flee the situation of danger to life and limb confronting himself.
With this kind of a testing, what I call pruning the nose challenge.
I take a pair of garden pruning shears* out of my pocket and grab his nose with one hand as I proceed to cut off the tip of his nose with my other hand, using the shears.
He will exert the most urgent force to take hold of my hand holding the shears to prevent me from cutting off his nose tip.
So, that proves to us both that life is not an illusion, not a matrix movie, and of course not a dream only.
Still, you cannot stop this fanatical atheist from going about telling everyone that man cannot prove to himself and neither the whole of mankind to one another that man exists.
And it is at this point that I have to flee from such a character like the plague.
I guess the fanatical atheist is into the unforgivable sin.
The lesson here is that expereince is the ultimate basis of any proof of existence of ourselves and also of God Who is so distant from us and yet on intelligent thinking grounding ourselves on logic and fact, He is – at the risk of the pseudo charge that I am into pantheism (on that matter, later) That in Which we live and move and have our existence.
*Garden pruning shears