How come so many Catholics don't follow Church Teachings?

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Admonishment is not judging, but showing mercy to one another. Jesus and St. Paul instruct us to cast out a brother who refuses to turn from a sin.
LOL! We’d all have to go live in bubbles and ignore each other!
openly rejecting Teaching
In other words, sin.
So to criticize those who admonish is acting demonic.
Fortunately, I don’t take CAF laypeople seriously when they call me “demonic.” Please talk to your priest. You’re dangerously oversimplifying matters.
Then you are in opposition to the Church.
Anyone who isn’t Catholic - and there are quite a few on CAF - is going to reply, “Yea? So?”

That said, he just joined minutes ago, presumably to stir the chili . . .
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LOL! We’d all have to go live in bubbles and ignore each other!
Sorry that you feel all Catholics are in serious sin, and refuse to stop.
Fortunately, I don’t take CAF laypeople seriously when they call me “demonic.” Please talk to your priest. You’re dangerously oversimplifying matters.
When anyone criticizes what Scripture instructs and calls Holy and merciful, then I cannot see how demons are not influencing that person.
nor is it a clubhouse
Actually LGBT community speaks of itself as very much a club or party with a purpose and agenda.

I have every sympathy with LGBT individuals (my late mother was one) but not with anything suggesting an LGBT movement, which the word community suggests.
I’d be interested to know where the LGBT community “speaks” of itself as a “club or party with a purpose and agenda.” Who is it that’s doing the speaking? I’m not aware of any one person or organization that represents and speaks for all LGBT people. And who is it that keeps track of the names of the club or party members?
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I started a post with a similar discussion to this. Similarly to what @Lou2U said, I think they simply think that they know better than the church. They don’t believe certain things are sins and believe the Catholic is wrong on those issues.
what’s wrong with being supportive of the LGBTQ community?
The LGBTQ community promites sinful things. It’s okay to be supportive of gay people for instance, defending them if they are discriminated in various areas of life etc. Supporting the ‘community’ is another issue though. Have you ever met a member or supporter of the LGBTQ community who doesn’t hold the belief that gays should be allowed to marry, or have sexual relations with one another?
You don’t believe a woman has the right to control her body? I do. I see it as a God-given right to have an abortion and use birth-control.
If I claimed to have the right to make homelessness illegal, imprisoning or executing the entire homeless community, you would call me a fascist, or worse, wouldn’t you?

So why is it that, when a war is waged against the unborn, some choose to praise this genocide? And why is it that it is celebrated in the public square, with those in opposition being labeled as misogynists (or worse)?
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I think one reason is there is no punishment or incentive to follow the teachings.
I’d be interested to know where the LGBT community “speaks” of itself as a “club or party with a purpose and agenda.”
I think you’ll find that those who have either been ‘anointed’ into some type of leadership role or speak on behalf of the LGBTQ community or LGBTQ rights, or support or ‘fight’ for the rights of the LGBTQ community, are pro gay marriage and pro homosexual relations. There are gay people who might well be against these things, though they are probably in the extreme minority, and they are very unlikely to ever consider themselves supportive of the LGBTQ community.

Just to prefix, I am certainly no supporter of Joel Olsteen, but here is a clip relating to the OP’s topic on Catholics who don’t follow Church teachings A supposedly Catholic presenter, Piers Morgan (I pick him often as an example because I live in the UK and he is a famous Brit who calls himself a Catholic) asking ‘pastor’ Olsteen about gay marriage. Morgan, who is pro gay marriage, tells Olsteen ‘shouldn’t the scripture be dragged into the modern age’? He also says ‘not everything in the scriptures is conducive to modern life’.

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what exactly is the purpose of a community if there is no purpose or agenda?
what exactly is the purpose of a community if there is no purpose or agenda?
When one speaks of the “black community” or the “Jewish community” or the “disabled community,” for example, can you tell me what the purpose or agenda of those communities is? Do they have an easily identifiable purpose or agenda? The word “community” seems fairly vague to me.
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There is a fine line between what some would call admonishment and what others would call judgement.
Most sinners know they are sinner. They need no others to point out their sins.
But there are some Catholics would seem to derive some pleasure by pointing the finger at those who they believe to be sinners.
Modern day pharisees?
The title to this thread “How come so many Catholics don’t follow Church Teachings,” seems to imply judgement.
Let us all pray for each other as sinners, and not worry about point out each others sins. 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
I don’t think in this case it is finger pointing. Also, in this topic, and the one I started about dangerous Catholic, the point is that many of these Catholics actively and publicly promote their non-Catholic viewpoints as the norm. That’s just it, they aren’t sinners who know they sin, they actually believe they are not sinning and challenge other Catholics and Christians (as Piers Morgan does in the video I posted above) on their correct beliefs.
Regardless of what whomever is advocating, that is their sin to burden. But not ours to point out.
Everyone will one day have to answer for his or her sins.
We all are sinners. May we pray for each other. 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
Just because someone may have ill intentions in reproving another, doesnt mean someone cant, or shouldnt, have charitable intentions.

Remember that open sin while claiming to be in a good and right state with God (receiving Eucharist) is harmful to themselves, those who may be scandalized by it, and ultimately the whole Church is weakened.

If the sinner is sincere (as receiving Eucharist portrays to others) then they will receive admonishment in good spirit and gratitude. If they are not sincere, then they should be disciplined by their pastor.

If someone cannot admonish another in good faith, then they are free to refrain, and simply pray. But Scripture does encourage admonishment.
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Thank you! That is how I feel when reading some replies in some threads. Someone will post a concern and they receive some answers that they should mind their business or that it is none of their concern. But it feels like we’ve grown comfortable and do not want to cause any unrest as opposed to trying to kindly and in charity to instruct people. I believe a lot of sins are due to lack of proper formation and it is a good sentiment to be very careful about hurting others. But when we have an opportunity, if we see we can help someone, aside from praying, sometimes words are needed. That is what I understand being my brother’s keeper is about. There is a time to speak and a time to be silent, but we should not be silent when we should speak. A prayer to The Holy Spirit for wisdom before opening our mouths, goes a long way.
So why is it that, when a war is waged against the unborn, some choose to praise this genocide? And why is it that it is celebrated in the public square, with those in opposition being labeled as misogynists (or worse)?
I am assuming your questions are not rhetorical, so I am going to try to help you with understanding the issue.

People who don’t believe abortion is murder believe that a zygote or a fetus insn’t a human person, generally. That is the end of the argument for them.

Nobody celebrates abortion. They celebrate living in a country that allows its citizens the right to choose what they do with their own body. That is the celebration. Lets not say they are celebrating abortion. They aren’t. Abortion is an unpleasant (at best) medical procedure for any woman to sustain. At worst, it can be painful and dangerous. Lets not put spin on the way we talk about it to support an agenda.
Jesus Christ said there were two main things for us to do:
  1. To give glory and praise to God.
  2. To love and serve one another as brothers and sisters.
I find nothing loving or charitable about pointing out the sins of others.
Praying for others is both loving and charitable.
Rather than worrying about the splinter in another person’s eye, let us remove the beam from our own eye.
But in fact can they really call themselves Catholic? By analogy, if I paid my party membership of the Socialist Party but then opposed the key tenets of socialism, could I really say I was a socialist?
If you’re baptized Catholic, you’re Catholic no matter what you believe or how you behave. That’s the teaching of the Church. Many who no longer participate in any way in the Catholic faith and eschew the title Catholic are oft reminded that once baptized, always Catholic for eternity.
I think many of them just feel like they know better than the church on this or that issue. I’m not saying it’s right, but it’s probably how they feel.
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