Which Pope has denounced it.
And again, we are , here at CAF, called to respect the culture and customs of other religious groups.
This is a huge deal for them. That is what is to be respected.
We don’t go around disrespecting their traditions. Is it real? Who knows. Was it ever real, who knows. It’s a very ancient tradition.
I am reminded of the Christian prayer to Saint Joseph, supposedly found in Jerusalem, in either the Sepulchre or another site, 50 years or so after Jesus had undergone His passion and Resurrection. That prayer has been handed down through the centuries, with the details of its finding.
Was the prayer really found and written by x , y or z. . We have no way of knowing.
It’s also like medjugore, Is it real, was there ever any truth to it? Perhaps initially, perhaps not. We must wait for our Church to make a decision about an event in our Church. But still people, the vast majority Catholic , flock to it in millions .
And on whether our Church declares something a miracle or not, of another religious group, we are reminded on the ongoing miracles of the Blessed Mother appearing at Zeitoun, Egypt.
The declaring, authenticity and earthly scope of this set of apparitions and accompanying miracles was left, by our Magisterium, to the Church in Egypt and the head of their Church, to validate, or not.