Really? You have never seen a Parent sacrifice for their Child.
You never saw a neighbor helping a neighbor.
You never had the Love of a Parent, child, cousin, uncle, aunt.
You never seen a Child brought into this world? Seen the innocence of a Child and complete trust it has in other humans.
Sad, only a few evidences of God!
And you never heard of the Love of God who came down from heaven, was crucified, buried and rose on the 3rd day for the forgiveness of your sins and mine.
Sad just so sad, that you have never seen Love.
By the way as far as the story of Moses. The reason was t fulfill the Prophecy of Exodus 4:23.
God is patient and gave many warnings, and although every time he promised to do as asked, he refused to keep his word 9 times.
It is a lesson. People think I can refuse God, do what I want, and if he does exist he will not deny me, but I can deny him all I want.
If he is this merciful God they claim, he will not send me to hell, if there is a hell.
It does not work that way. God said if you deny me, I will deny you…
Its a choice people, if you want God you will want him now in this world. If you deny him here you will deny him in the next also.
As Jesus told the Jews that rejected him, you are not of me. if you were of me you would listen to me and what I say. My Father is not your Father or you would hear and obey my words.
If the God the Father in heaven is your Father, you will obey him, and follow the Son of God and do as he has taught.
If not, you don’t want him and as God said, you have free will to do so. But unless you come through the Son you will not enter into heaven with the Father.