I’ll end our lesson in English here:The Revised Standard Version.
BTW a simple search and you can find out instead of just making statements which you don’t understand as if they were true.
“Heresy” means “to pick out for oneself”. It’s etymology is Greek(Jews would never use the wird).
Jesus never taught anything that would be considered heretical according to Jewish law, nor against the Roman gods.
“Blasphemy” is to curse or revile God.
You’d think with your Catholic background that you ought to know the difference.
Jesus never did anything in “conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of the state or monarch.”
And that’s not even what the Jews accused Him of(see the Gospel of John, chpt 18-19).
So apparently you do.
Heresy: belief or opinion contrary to orthodox religious doctrine.
“Huss was burned for heresy”
synonyms: dissension, dissent, nonconformity, heterodoxy, unorthodoxy, apostasy, blasphemy, freethinking
If Jesus didn’t do these things against Orthodox Judaism, what did he do?
.After the trial the Sanhedrin AGAIN changed the charges, this time from blasphemy to treason (Luke 23:1-3, John 19:12). Jesus’ enemies conveniently switched the charges against him to treason, a Roman crime, so that they could improve their chances of having the Romans (and not them!) do the dirty job of murdering him! When the religious leaders, however, initially presented him to Pontius Pilate they offered NO evidence for their new charge. Although Pilate determined he was innocent and wanted to release him, his desire to gratify the crowd led him to release an innocent man to the soldiers for crucifixion (Mark 15:12-13, 15)
- incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government.
- any action, especially in speech or writing, promoting such discontent or rebellion.
- Archaic. rebellious disorder.
- insurrection, mutiny. See treason.