How could Satan choose evil?

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I tend to stray away from the problem of evil – or rather, I don’t even think about it now. (Also, should I have posted on the Moral Theology or Philosophy section?)

But someone posted on here a question on the problem of evil and an accompanying link which I clicked. A commenter on the other site asked why would God create Satan, knowing he would be evil.

This got me thinking.

How was Satan able to choose evil? What tempted him if there was no evil in him? Where did this temptation come from? Why would he desire the corrupted good if there was no evil before him? Yes, he has free will and he had the choice to turn away from God, but how could he consider that option?

It seems that Adam and Eve didn’t even think about turning away from God until evil was there to influence them. What would have influenced Satan?

I don’t know if any of that made sense or if I’m even asking the right questions. 🤷 Sorry if it sounds ridiculous.

I hope that makes sense.

I tend to stray away from the problem of evil – or rather, I don’t even think about it now.

But someone posted on here a question on the problem of evil and an accompanying link which I clicked. A commenter on the other site asked why would God create Satan, knowing he would be evil.

This got me thinking.

How was Satan able to choose evil? What tempted him if there was no evil in him? Where did this temptation come from? Why would he desire the corrupted good if there was no evil before him? Yes, he has free will and he had the choice to turn away from God, but how could he consider that option?

It seems that Adam and Eve didn’t even think about turning away from God until evil was there to influence them. What would have influenced Satan?

I don’t know if any of that made sense or if I’m even asking the right questions. Sorry if it sounds ridiculous.

I hope that makes sense.

We live in a world of good and evil, not good versus evil. Moreover, I doubt that our world could sustain itself if were not for evil.

Where in the scriptures does it say that Satan chose evil? All I remember reading was that Satan rebelled against God, and exactly why is an open mystery.
My guess: It was, at least in part, fun and easy. Maybe even cool and he knew he’d impress some of the others. 🤷
Satan knew what God’s plan was regarding humans. While he had no problem serving God he refused to serve a God-Man (Jesus), And refused to serve a human woman Mary (Queen of Angels and Queen of Saints). So as Dorthy said pride was his downfall.
But he was the best God servant! Why other angels didn’t fall?
Yes, He was given much light from God, but did not keep it. He did take 1/3 of the angels with him, as they decided to agree with him.
But he was the best God servant!
He was the first among God’s servant. A lofty, and prestigious position.

*‘”I think there is something rather dangerous about standing on these high places even to pray,” said Father Brown. “Heights were made to be looked at, not to be looked from.”

“Do you mean that one may fall over?” asked Wilfred.

“I mean that one’s soul may fall if one’s body doesn’t,” said the other priest.

“I scarcely understand you,” remarked Bohun indistinctly.

“Look at the blacksmith, for instance,” went on Father Brown calmly; “a good man, but not a Christian – hard, unforgiving. Well, his Scotch religion was made up by men who prayed on hills and high crags, and learnt to look down on the world more than to look up at heaven.

Humility is the mother of giants. One sees great things from the valley; only small things from the peak.”* - The Hammer of God, G. K. Chesterton
Why other angels didn’t fall?
They…did? 🤷
My question was why did the best servant fall? Logically the worst are in more danger than the best.
I found this on it.

So As I understand it to help explain it.

The best one had the most spiritual gifts and the most pride so possessing the knowledge of the Incarnate Jesus, Satan did not want to Worship Jesus so rebelled against God. God then banished Satan and the other fallen angels who followed Satan forever from heaven.
I found this on it.

So As I understand it to help explain it.

The best one had the most spiritual gifts and the most pride so possessing the knowledge of the Incarnate Jesus, Satan did not want to Worship Jesus so rebelled against God. God then banished Satan and the other fallen angels who followed Satan forever from heaven.
What is spiritual gift? Doesn’t it show a sense of closeness to God. What a servant could possibly wish except being close to God? Closer to God you are cleaner you are. Apparently Jesus is God. So how Stan could rebel against the wish of his love?
What is spiritual gift? Doesn’t it show a sense of closeness to God. What a servant could possibly wish except being close to God? Closer to God you are cleaner you are. Apparently Jesus is God. So how Stan could rebel against the wish of his love?
Spiritual gifts from God like knowledge, understanding, and wisdom, that’s how Lucifer (satan) knew of Gods plan.

The angels are creatures like we are creatures. They have free will just like us, so they chose to turn away from God because of pride just like people do. Now most angels with this knowledge wouldn’t but this angel because he was the first of angels and thought he was Gods special angel, had pride that surpassed the other angels so did not want to bow down to Jesus so rebelled and that got him banished from heaven forever.
But what would motivate him to choose evil? Pride, yes. But how did pride even enter into his consideration? How was the pride which corrupts present in the first place?

Maybe I should have stayed away from asking this, there are many aspects of it that we will not know and we could just keep speculating. 🤷

Sorry if my question isn’t very well-described.

Thanks to all those who answered so far!
My question was why did the best servant fall? Logically the worst are in more danger than the best.
He was the “best” because he had more light from God. He freely chose to rebel, so when he fell, he fell much further.
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