Read this and forget that nonsense about the Catholic church
Can you substantiate any of this? What proof do you have that the Vatican has any of these items?The items listed in revelation 18: 12-13 at first gave me hope but it turns out the Vatican has a lot of those items
Can you produce any documentation that the VAtican has these items?cattle and sheep; horses and carriages
have you seen any ads lately for slave auctions?; and human beings sold as slaves.
I’m interested to see what evidence you can provide. Have you completed an inventory of the kitchens?Yes the Roman empire had all of these things but that doesn’t change the fact that the Vatican has a lot of these things
For some people it just comes naturally. You have yet to explain what you stated in the original post.I’m not trying to be a bigot
Why?I’m deeply afraid that the Catholic Church is or will become the whore of babylon from Revelations
2 Timothy 1:7 “…for God did not give us a spirit of timidity but a spirit of power and love and self-control.”please, I’m just scared
Why?I’m deeply afraid that the Catholic Church is or will become the whore of babylon from Revelations
How do you know this?I know for fact that the catholic church burns incense myrrh and frankincense during it’s services
How old are you?please, I’m just scared
look it up on wikipedia I’d post a link but the site won’t let me
This is a common teaching in fundamentalist anti-catholic bible based communities. Perhaps our OP is a member of one.THE WHORE OF BABYLON? Really, how can anyone even entertain such a thought? It gives the word ludicrous new meaning
What part of “Jesus did not create, cherish, and guide the Whore of Babylon” do you not understand. Personally, I think you have to prove the RCC is the WOB.if you have evidence that the catholic church isn’t now and never will become the whore of babylon please share it with me
Anyone who is getting their information off Wikipedia is not really worth my time to do your research for you. If you want to know you have already been given links that will be helpful.i’m not a part of any religious organization, i’m just looking for answers if you have evidence that the catholic church isn’t now and never will become the whore of babylon please share it with me
If you are not a member of a fundamentalist group, then why would it matter to you if the Catholic Church were, in fact the Whore of Babylon?“I’m deeply afraid that the Catholic Church is or will become the whore of babylon from Revelations”
You’ve been asked several times about the slaves. Where is your evidence that the Vatican has slaves?I know for fact that the catholic church burns incense myrrh and frankincense during it’s services, and wine, olive oil, wheat and flour can be found anywhere including the vatican
First, recognize that Revelation was written as apocalyptic literature to first century Christians being persecuted under the Roman Empire. By nature of apocalyptic literature and by nature of having to hide some of the meaning from Rome, the book is filled with symbolism. Furthermore, it is being written first for first century Christians, so the symbolism should be interpreted in light of how they would understand it.gold, silver, precious stones and pearls; fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet cloth; every sort of citron wood, and articles of every kind made of ivory, costly wood, bronze, iron and marble; 13 cargoes of cinnamon and spice, of incense, myrrh and frankincense, of wine and olive oil, of fine flour and wheat; cattle and sheep; horses and carriages; and human beings sold as slaves
I don’t know. It’s a pretty exciting book and easily the Bible’s most fantastical. The problem is that many have twisted and morphed it into some mysterious codex that it is their job to decode with their 21st-century goggles stained with five centuries of anti-Catholic propaganda.Revelation probably shouldn’t be read by the casual observer.