How do I prove the whore of babylon from Revelations isn't the Catholic church

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The whore of Babylon always striuck me as the newest incarnation of the oldest religion in the world: Pagan Gnosticism, which we see in the New Age movement which is basically a man centered humanist religion which allows anyone to believe anything they want, as long as it is not orthodox Christianity.
Why? While we were asleep, it wormed its way into the mainstream, so that so many of its ideas are now accepted by millions worldwide. I say MANY of its ideas, because it is a syncretist movement, “cafeteria-style,” might be a good way to put it as adherents are free to chose or reject whatever they elect to follow or believe.
Such a system can become a worldwide faith, easily since it asks nothing (at least initially) of the believer. However, one day, all the humanists will be asked (it wont be optional) to bow to the Antichrist by the False Prophet who will arise as a global guru for this disparate group.

It is the Whore, because it sells itself to anyone and everyone, and it is of Babylon because the Babylonian religion was Syncretic, new agey and humanistic.
Remember how King Nebuchadnezzar tried to make a god of himself when he built the massive image that people were required to bow down to.

That is what you can tell your evangelical friends next time they mention it.
Because Protestantism can only justify its existence by attacking the Holy Mother Church as something so unspeakably evil they had no choice but to break with her.
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Speaking as a Protestant, you won’t “prove it” to someone who has a hard on for the Catholic church.
Well, I guess since this thread hasn’t been closed and this poster banned, I can go back to spelling hell and damn instead of he** and da*& 🙂😉😄
I suggest you think of another one really quickly. And by that, I mean you need to edit out that first sentence.
I agree, 2towers beat me to it. Please edit your post…no need to be vulgar.
I agree that like all other errors and false accusations that they are offensive.

However, since this false accusation is believed by so many we need to confront it and show how erroneous these arguments are.
I agree. I grew up with people who taught this belief. It’s good to see it refuted using Scripture and logical, historical reasoning. But I’m not sure this particular thread is doing more good than harm.
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