Need a conversion, go Green Scapular
Jrabs, thanks for your tag, and Tar, thanks for your thread and all that you’re sharing regarding the challenges you’re encountering with your family.
I also have a difficult relationship with my sister, and I’ve been concerned about being with everyone at Thanksgiving. I’ve also been wondering what I can add to everyone’s Christmas gifts that might have a spiritual benefit. Green Scapular it is! I think I will sprinkle them liberally about the family when I’m down there. Last year it was the bracelet rosaries I make. I shared them with my nephews (twin boys, they got one in Yellow and one in bright Green to match their favorite Power Ranger), my nieces (including the two daughters of my sister, she’s no longer even a practicing Catholic), I gave my mothers rosary to my sister in the hope that she would see how worn it is and come to appreciate that in her time, my mom must have prayed a few Rosaries we didn’t know about. I also gave a couple to my sister-in-laws parents who were in town when my daughter and I were visiting. They’re fighting over who gets the “nicer” silver one, so I’m making a new one so he will give his wife back the one I made for her.
Families are a challenge, but the primary way for us to change our family dynamics is to change ourselves. And when that doesn’t work, look in the mirror and keep working on the problems you see. Bite your tongue, refuse to issue harsh words on others, only acknowledge anothers faults if they request it, and when you’re dealing with family, even when they say they want to know, proceed with caution. Do NOT look for opportunities to HELP them see their own errors or the errors of others.
If she interrupts you while you’re talking to your mom, first, before you react, say a prayer, perhaps the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel.
St. Michael, the Archangel protect us in battle,
be our defense against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him we humbly pray,
and do thou Oh Prince of the Heavenly Host,
cast into Hell Satan
and all the evil spirits
who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
I would also like to recommend that you begin to pray the Rosary daily. You will find that more than any other activity, this will bring you the most peace in your life. Mary is a mother unlike any other. She will teach you to pray and as you learn to trust her guidance, she will lead you to incorporating the Fullness of the Truth into your life.
As you grow to know and Love Mary in a way that exceeds our human capacity, you will begin to understand that truly all things are possible through Christ. And perhaps you will begin to understand what is meant by “Honor Thy Mother”, for we are meant to follow Christ in all He did, and certainly we see that He followed all the Ten Commandments, including this one.
Honor your spiritual Mother and you may find it easier to not fight with your natural mother. My mother passed away 11 yrs ago, but I still remember the pain of not being understood by someone who held such an important place in my heart. Through Mary I have learned to hug my mom and love her in ways I had forgotten how to do.
I pray that before your mother passes, that you forgive her for not appreciating the beautiful, kind and loving daughter that you are. We aren’t daughters for the purpose of being the recipients of tons of love, although this is appreciated and appropriate. We are daughters because our parents, as human beings, are also on the road towards salvation. As their children, we naturally present to them the challenges they need to overcome on that path. Pray for your mother, that she may come to know the you that you strive to be. And keep looking in the mirror to ensure you give her ample opportunity to see the you that God has made you to be.