You commented on my tone?
What is tone? It is a subjective quantity.
You had nothing to say about my arguments. That is uncharitable as it takes the focus off what I had to say and at me.
I don’t care a fig what you think of my tone. If you want my opinion people who jump into debates to scold others about their tone are potholes on the truth highway.
What do you think of TarAshley’s continued support for her cohabitation and cohabitation in general.
What do you think of her comments that those who disapprove of her scandal are somehow “judgemental” or “closeminded”?
That is the subject at hand. My tone is deliberately indelicate and blunt as can be here - because I want others to focus exactly on what Ms.Ashley has said, who she said it to and what her opinion of Church teaching happens to be.
She has not said it once and then been hounded by me or others - she has repeatedly defended her sin and her scandal.
Now I have not seen you commenting on her sly tone, or even her arguments.
If you have and I am wrong, you may repost them for me but stick to arguments and leave tones to musicians and choirs.
What a waste of time some people’s posts are here. Either apologizing for their own sins, encouraging others to sin, judging sisters, strangers, parishioners and - by implication - the Church.
Go waste keystrokes scolding others tone. I do not have one tone for all my posts, but this woman’s argument is that my Church is wrong and she is right.
I am not going to let that go unreplied to. You may if you wish to, but the hand-holders of TarAshley are in the majority here. Most support the Church and admonish her.
What part of admonish don’t you get? Or should Christians never do that?
-just amazed at the liberal bs being ladled here