When we say we are born sicut tabula rasa, we just mean that our intellects do not “function” unless they have something to work on—some reality, outside the knower, that can be the object of knowledge. (“Born” here is just part of the expression; it means “when we come into existence,” not when we leave our mother’s womb, so it is entirely possible that the interactions that allow our intellect to function begin even before we are born.)We are not born ‘tabula raza’/a blank slate., we are born with innate curiosity and the ability to differentiate. It is interesting that even within our mother’s womb we develop a ‘linguistic’ and even an ‘accent’ bias in favour of those around - particularly our mother. The brain/mind interface is in constant action from the moment it has developed within the womb enough to do so. It is even claimed we generally come pre-packaged with some ‘genetic memory’.
We may or may not have genetic memory, but that just would just enter into the sensory material that allows our intellects to function. (Our intellects are immaterial realities—they go beyond what is purely sensory.)