How do you counter this argument about single parenting?

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There would be a lot less need for abortion clinics if people weren’t such .
I just finished a Catholic high school. We had a few “accidental” pregnancies - and the girls who decided to keep the baby tend to get treated atrociously - by many of the kids and more than a few of the teachers.

And I know in some cases they were pressured to give the baby up for adoption.
the girls who decided to keep the baby tend to get treated atrociously - by many of the kids and more than a few of the teachers.

And I know in some cases they were pressured to give the baby up for adoption.
That’s sad. We should be wrapping our arms around these individuals and supporting them. Not alienating them.

“He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.“ John 8:7
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The way a lot of people act, they do seem to think they are without sin.

I think part of the problem is that for everyone, it is easy to avoid certain sins (but not others).

So people look down (and cast metaphorical stones) at people who have trouble resisting sins that they themselves can resist easily.

For some, the sin is lust. For others its pride. Personally I am with C.S. Lewis in taking the view that lust is pretty minor as sins go - but the way a lot of people act, its the worst.
This is sadly true too often I think. I’ve struggled with the self righteousness of some religious people. Something we need to get better at imho.
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