Rivers flowing down canyons, glaciers moving down valleys, are not the same thing as horses, whales, birds, bacteria, or any living thing. Your extrapolating your own evolutionary theory onto what I said but I never said anything about evolutionary theory. There is a difference between actually observing rivers flowing down canyons and glaciers moving down valleys, and something not observed and never observed such as abiogenesis. I don’t observe and have never observed a bird emerging out of rock, soil, or water or any plant that didn’t come from a prior plant of the same species. You may believe abiogenesis happens and squirrels morphing into whales, ants into elephants, rocks into humans, snails into cheetahs; tortoises into bald eagles, canadian geese and peregrine falcons; cambrian animals into redwood, maple, and oak trees; but I do not. Accordingly, the Genesis 1 creation narrative devotes whole days to God’s supernatural creative activity in forming the various species of plants and animals from out of the earth and waters.The first you say is apparently formed by natural forces just as God wanted. That is, he set up the laws of nature to produce over time (our time, not his) features of this planet that He wanted. So the Grand Canyon is exactly as He wanted, produced in exactly the way He wanted using hte laws He set in place.
The second you say…well, He wanted to do that differently. He didn’t want to let things evolve over time according to His rules. The Grand Canyon - sure. But a few bacteria and virus and sponges and fish and mammals - nah. For whatever reason He decided to step in at the last moment and make some personal adjustments to His overall scheme.
Which means that His original scheme wasn’t going to end up with bacteria and virus and sponges and fish and mammals. Otherwise why bother to specifically design these?
So we have God knowing what He wants and setting things in place to end up with what He wants. But then needing to step in and fiddle around a little. Because what He designed in the first place wasn’t going to give Him what He wanted.
The creation of the various phenomena in the six days work of Genesis 1 by God was according to his eternal plan conceived from eternity in his intellect and wisdom. Nothing changed in this plan nor is that even possible as God is unchangable, pure act.
Although we believe God is omnipotent, we don’t believe that infinite power extends to logical contradictions or against his infinite wisdom and divine nature as if God is some kind of ‘irrational’ God as it were. For example, we don’t believe God can cause himself to cease to exist; or that God can make something not to have been made by him; that God can cause the past never to have been; or that God can make a square circle or a straight curve; or that God can do any evil. Such things are not due to a lack of power on God’s part but because they involve logical contradictions.Maybe he’s not as omnipotent as you give Him credit for.
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