Gorgias and Richca,
You appear to be the principle adherents of, and spokespeople for, Creationism on this thread, and yet both of you seem to reject the idea that complexity (especially as the FSCI as defined by the Discovery Institute) can be measured. And yet the “Intelligent Design” form of Creationism has proposed that the ability to measure complexity is an objective method of observing Design. On other threads, Buffalo, in particular, sets much store by it.
I think there is an argument that goes: Evidence of Creation comes from Design and Evidence of Design comes from Complexity, but it seems that, along with we Evolutionists, you don’t go along with argument.
Your evidence for Creation, if I understand you correctly, is not physical or scientific at all, but entirely based on the bible and theology. Is that correct?
If so, then we Evolutionists could leave science alone, abandoning the OP (sorry Sophia), and address Creationism on biblical and theological grounds. I myself think that the works of the early fathers as referenced on this site (and as expounded above by Richca) demonstrate that a literal reading of the bible is not only weak science, but also weak theology.
You appear to be the principle adherents of, and spokespeople for, Creationism on this thread, and yet both of you seem to reject the idea that complexity (especially as the FSCI as defined by the Discovery Institute) can be measured. And yet the “Intelligent Design” form of Creationism has proposed that the ability to measure complexity is an objective method of observing Design. On other threads, Buffalo, in particular, sets much store by it.
I think there is an argument that goes: Evidence of Creation comes from Design and Evidence of Design comes from Complexity, but it seems that, along with we Evolutionists, you don’t go along with argument.
Your evidence for Creation, if I understand you correctly, is not physical or scientific at all, but entirely based on the bible and theology. Is that correct?
If so, then we Evolutionists could leave science alone, abandoning the OP (sorry Sophia), and address Creationism on biblical and theological grounds. I myself think that the works of the early fathers as referenced on this site (and as expounded above by Richca) demonstrate that a literal reading of the bible is not only weak science, but also weak theology.