This is a false premise. Neither hydrogen nor oxygen have the property “liquid at 20°C”. At that temperature both are gases. Water, H2O, does have the property “liquid at 20°C”.Premise: an effect cannot have a property not present in one or more of its causes actually or potentially.
This is an incorrect definition, that is an emergent property. A property that is present in the effect but not present in any of the causes.Complex property --a property, attribute or faculty observed in the descendant that does not exist in its progenitors.
Again this is incorrect logic. A single car is not a traffic jam. A car and a car and a car and a car … and a car is a traffic jam. Nothing more than too many cars is needed to cause a traffic jam. There is no need for any further external “creator”.If the property observed is complex (=‘emergent’) then a “creator” or third party, if you like, was involved in causing the existence of the descendant.
Going back to chemistry, salt has the property “essential for life”. Neither sodium nor chlorine have this property; both are poisonous and are inimical to life. However, combined to make salt, NaCl, they have a new emergent property, “essential for life”. Are you saying that simple chemistry is God? I do not think so. You need to have a look at your logic to see where the fault lies.