On to the main question – how does it work?
Continued from post 183.
Adam’s nature is not like any animal created by God. God did love all His creatures. Genesis 1: 25. Still, in His love for Adam and Eve and their future descendants, God gave them a rational spiritual soul. Genesis 1: 27. This great gift made it possible for Adam and Eve, and our future selves, to know and love God and “to share, by knowledge and love, in God’s own life.” (CCC 356)
As clearly stated in post 183.
“At this point, we need to avoid the error that the Creator and Adam are equal. It is true that Adam is a spiritual creature–note the word creature–because he has a rational spiritual soul. It is also true that there cannot be two equal in power supreme gods at the same time. Therefore, Adam has to live in free submission (obedience) to his Creator. (CCC 396)”
In Genesis, chapter 2, the talented author clearly pictured the difference between human nature and Divine nature. Genesis 2: 15-17.
**CCC 396 **God created man in his image and established him in his friendship. A spiritual creature, man can live this friendship only in free submission to God. The prohibition against eating “of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil” spells this out: “for in the day that you eat of it, you shall die.” The “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” symbolically evokes the insurmountable limits that man, being a creature, must freely recognize and respect with trust. Man is dependent on his Creator, and subject to the laws of creation and to the moral norms that govern the use of freedom.
The rest of the story, the flat out disobedience of Adam, Genesis, chapter 3, is familiar to the point that it is possible to skip over the deep serious consequences of Adam’s free act of disobedience. (CCC 397-400)
The human nature of Adam and Eve was immediately deprived of their State of Original Holiness and Justice. (CCC 399-400) We use the words Adam and Eve’s deprived human nature because originally their State aka State of Sanctifying Grace was intended for all human nature. (CCC 404)
We often wonder why we are not born in Adam’s State of Original Holiness and Justice. The answer is that our wounded human nature is what Adam and Eve transmitted to human descendants … (CCC 404-406)
The act of disobedience itself affected original human nature. Now, human nature is deprived of what should have been transmitted. God did not wound future humans with His disobedience. It is Adam’s act, severance itself, which becomes the “proper punishment.”
Links to the universal
Catechism of the Catholic Church, Second Edition are in post 183.