Here is a bit more…
No need to take the following seriously. Hopefully, it adds something to think about.
Dear Gentle Readers, CAF Members & Guests,
The below is a simple exercise in imagination. I present it because I am up to my blue eyes in God punishing as if He is some horrible………
Punishment this and that and *why. *I want to think about God and Original Sin and what really happened.
Here is a plate full of imaginative thinking.
Beavers do not beget birds. Beavers transmit beaver nature. And humans beget human nature which is an unique unification of the spiritual and material worlds. (CCC 355) It should be apparent that
why we are born with deprivation of Original Holiness and Justice is because that is the nature of our human parents. And our wonderful parents received their human nature from their parents all the way back to Adam who disobeyed his Creator to the point that the original friendship relationship between Divinity and all future humanity was destroyed. Adam, who was not Divine, could not repair a relationship created by the Divine Creator. Fortunately, for us, the destruction of Original Sin only wounded our human nature. Because human nature was still alive, it remained deprived of the State of Original Holiness and Justice. (CCC 405-406)
While busy beavers build dams, an amazing intellectual event, they are not invited to share, by knowledge and love, in the Creator God’s life. Only human nature has that possibility. (CCC 355-357 & CCC 374-376)
When we let Genesis 1:27 settle in the deepest part of our nature, some of us may ask why God decided to make human nature with a physical material decomposing anatomy and a spiritual immortal soul animating matter so that there is a living human body. (CCC 362-366) A good guess is that our spiritual/material nature gives us the capability to enter the Gates of Heaven. In addition, our nature must be prepared to enter joy eternal following bodily death. Proper preparation is to be in the State of Sanctifying Grace . This is known as the State of Original Holiness given to the two original Humans with the commitment that this state is meant for all human nature. (CCC 404; CCC Glossary, Sanctifying Grace, page 898; CCC 375; CCC 415-419)
While we can say *why we *receive Adam’s wounded (deprived) nature is part of simple biology of species survival, the story should not end there. Instead, we need to look at who we are because of the Incarnation. John 3: 16-17. Sometimes the story of punishment is so awful, especially when it blames God, we look for a place to hide our pain. Maybe that is why I like busy beavers – they keep doing their thing in the best way possible.
Adam’s nature did
not change; he
lost something, there was nothing new that he could pass on. The question is, why did this deprivation fall onto all of his descendants? Anyone can dismiss the evils present in this world, but if you’ve dealt with people who’ve been abused, they often have gripes with God. And those questions must be answered squarely, rather than begged. “For God’s sake, where is God?”-the famous question asked by a concentration camp inmate observing a child being hung.
And we *cannot *say anything about the biological transmission of OS because we don’t know *how *it is transmitted-only that it’s a spiritual transmission if anything, something withheld rather than something naturally transmitted. God would be the one who determines that this wounded nature be passed on, with all the evils attending, for His purposes, which the Church, at least, admits to be a mystery rather than avoiding or attempting pat or unrelated answers on the subject, a mystery ultimately made bearable only by the the Paschal Mystery.