I am sorry to see that you, once again, appear to be at your usual tactics – hard-headedly failing to listen to and interact with the responses you have been given. You merely repeat your assertion over and over. Bahman, this is not true reason or philosophy. True reason actually attempts to consider the arguments of the other side and respond to them. Never-the-less, I shall try to reply to you one last time. If you repeat the same argument as before without actually interacting with what I have said, then I will not reply. For what point is there in talking to someone who does not listen? I have already replied I think sufficiently to show that you are wrong to any reasonable person surveying from the outside.
Firstly, your definition of free will is poorly defined and I don’t think acceptable for the purposes of this discussion. William Lane Craig, for example, defines free will as to “be free of casual determinance outside of oneself.” Clearly then, in the case of God, He is free from other factors outside of himself forcing him to do something. So then tell me, what exactly is this something that is forcing God to take only one route? Something other than God? But how could such a thing possibly exist?
Your logic is essentially in this format.
- Necessarily, if God foreknows X, then He will do X.
- God foreknows that He will do X.
- Therefore, necessarily, God will do X.
Unfortunately, as William Lane Craig points out, this commits a fallacy in modal logic!
It does not follow that God will *necessarily *do X. The ONLY thing that follows is
3) Therefore, God will do X.
God could *refrain *from doing X, in which case, His knowledge of the future would have been different. As with my time traveler example – Just because the time traveler knows he will choose the blue button does not mean anything *forced *him to choose the blue button. No outside force, no “Fate” dragged his hand and pressed it for him. Therefore, how can you say he has no free will? What force is oppressing him so that he is not free? His knowledge of the future does not force him to choose the blue button – pressing the blue button was what he wanted. Similarly, if I know all my future and make all my future choices at this instant, would you say that I have no free will simply because I have already decided what I will do?! What nonsense – to say that because I made a choice now a choice is denied me! God who knows all the future has already necessarily decided what He will do in all future circumstances. This still does not mean He was forced to do it – It merely means that that is what he has decided to do.
Suppose as a thought experiment, that God did not know the future. He would still choose to do X and X would still occur, He just would not be aware of it in advance. What has changed? Literally nothing *except *His knowledge has been reduced. Yet you claim that because His knowledge is greater He therefore has *less * free will? But this is just ridiculous! His knowledge has no casual effect upon the act itself – just as a time travelers knowledge about what I will do or what they will do has not casually forced us to do that thing. So until you can show a casual link between the increase of knowledge and one’s freedom to do something I remain reasonable in rejecting your logic and proclaiming that God has free will.
So, in finality, to prove to me that God has no free will, you must prove that there is some casual effect that constrains him. Knowledge alone has no casual effect on the timeline and therefore cannot fulfill this action.