The two are not mutually exclusive. I don’t think anyone can accuse Augustine or Aquinas of not having an experiential understanding of God. Yes, they did try to use philosophy to understand, and yes, our finite human abilities limit us in this regard. Logic falls short, but it is a God given ability that can be useful.My favorite was Aquinas. I answer…
But they weren’t trying to understand God, they were trying to understand About God.
Priests are required to take 2 to 3 years of Philosophy. Of course it helps.
But it still doesn’t let you understand God.
We will never understand God.
He’s above our pay scale.
BTW, interesting that you answered the above and not my question to you on miracles.
But nobody really knows about those either - just something interesting to ponder.
I think you have drawn an erroneous conclusion. Just because God is able to change the future, does not mean that He does so. Part of the gift of free will is that He respects our choices.You are correct. So I stick to my original argument: Free will is ability to freely choose one option in a situation, which is defined with at least two options. God however is omniscient which means that he knows the actions he has to perform in future. This leaves no room for free will.