All your statements below show that you are very confused. We get confused when we deal with concepts that are much beyond what we could handle. God is one of them. We could philosophize about this, that and the other thing. Priests study philosophy too - it’s helpful. But they know they will NEVER understand GOD. He is not understandable.You cannot do otherwise because that is what your knowledge dictate you.
Now. God cannot do otherwise because His knowledge dictates what is to come -
WHO decided what is to come? (I’ve asked you this before).
Was it not God who decided? Does this not mean that He had a choice? Was He, the creator of the universe, not free to decide from between the choices?
I think what you’re saying here is: Is God’s foreknowledge causation? Does the fact that God KNOWS what is going to happen, CAUSE it to happen?
Now this is an interesting question, but it has nothing to do with free will.
WHO told me to do X???There is no free choice available. You know that you do X at specific time so you have to do it.
I thought God was the ultimate being…
He “saw” in the future that He would create the universe because He decided that He wanted to create it.Of course no because he could see in foreknowledge that he would do it.
You’re making this too difficult.
Bahman,No, I don’t believe that we have free will. What is the meaning of free will when we always choose what we prefer?
This is what I mean about you being confused:
IF you are CHOOSING what you prefer, it means you have the choice between two things. It means you have FREE WILL to choose.
Free will implies that you have a choice between two things. If you have a choice, it means you can choose. If you can choose it means you have free will.
Bad boy. Go stand in the corner.I think we are rational animal and always do what our rationality dictate us.
We are not animals. We are made in the image of God. We have a little bit of God in us.
I refer you again to Genesis 1:27
Now get out of the corner and get back to reading your bible.