buffalo said:
I am not denying any of these that you’ve listed:
- the creation of the entire universe in the beginning of time by God
- the special creation of the fiirst man
- the formation of the first woman from the first man by God
- the unity of the human race
- the initial happiness of our first parents in the state of original justice.;
I agree with all of it, but none of it is an argument against evolution. Here is paragragh 337 from the Catholic Catechism to explain what I meant by fundamentalists sometimes being wrong.
337 God himself created the visible world in all its richness, diversity and order. Scripture presents the work of the Creator symbolically as a succession of six days of divine “work”, concluded by the “rest” of the seventh day.
204 On the subject of creation, the sacred text teaches the truths revealed by God for our salvation,
205 permitting us to “recognize the inner nature, the value and the ordering of the whole of creation to the praise of God.”
Notice it says symbolic, so who knows how long it took for God’s work of creating to be complete. So, I think some people don’t view Genesis as symbolic and instead think of it as literally explaining that it only too 6 days for God to create everything. Of course he could, but I don’t think he did and the Catholic Church even says it is a symbolic 6 days, so you are free to think evolution doesn’t occur and I am free to think it does and we can both be Catholics that are not going against Church Teachings. An Atheist needs to realize this. It is a basic step to understanding the Bible for some people because it means that they can have an understanding of God’s creation that doesn’t have to be one that says everything was created in 6 days. We don’t have to agree on this and we can both be “good” Catholics.
I don’t want to change your mind on how the world was created. It misses the whole point of our religion to argue this detail. It is not part of our faith to say we know exactly HOW God created everything. If a person believes that evolution is a process of living things, that is fine just as long as they realize that God created the evolutionary process. Look at paragraph 338 of the catechism
Nothing exists that does not owe its existence to God the Creator. The world began when God’s word drew it out of nothingness; all existent beings, all of nature, and all human history are rooted in this primordial event, the very genesis by which the world was constituted and time begun.
This is what an Atheist needs to come to believe. He does not have to believe it took 6 days or man was made out of clay or that Eve was literally created from a rib of Adam. If you find that in the catechism anywhere, let me know, please. There is symbolic language in there, but it does no harm to anyone if they want to think it took only 6 days for everything. God did create everything and it was good. He created Man for good and man chose to sin and the wages of this is death. Jesus offered himself as the “sacrificial lamb” as ransom for our sins (to pay for our sins) and by accepting Jesus and following Him, we are saved from the punishment that we deserve for our sins which would be to die, die as in no eternal life. We can have eternal life though because God gave His Son to save us. We need to believe in a triune God. This is hard for an atheist to understand, but not impossible, when the time is right. God, the Father, God, the Son, and God the holy spirit. An atheist may have trouble understanding how we believe in one God and talk about Him in so many ways. It takes a while to understand a the Triune God belief.
Also, why should an atheist pick up the Bible and read it, if the very first book sounds so ridiculous. Many don’t realize that there are so many forms of writing in the the Bible. So much symbolic language. They should continue to search for the very beginning of how something came from nothing and they may find that they believe that God created
something from nothing and then the
something evolved.
Items 2 and 3 have to be reconciled with evolution.
- the special creation of the fiirst man
- the formation of the first woman from the first man by God