you all have the ability to call doulos1 crazy because there are alot of you. doulos1 is frusterated with you because your so ignorant. i would mention about 10 verses that say Jesus had brothers but you would just bring up stuff like " there is no word for brother or sister in the bible" bluntly denying every translaters ability to say the correct words. i gave you one verse that you can not logically prove wrong. you worship mary like a god, let her go my friends, she was human like everyone else. she was merely a servant of the One Holy God like everyone that God chooses for his will. Jesus was the one who paid the price for your sins, worship him instead of making statues to the goddess mary, in effect defying the first commandment,
“you shall have no other god’s before me”
So now that you have revealed the real reason that you have asked this question, why don’t you go back to where you belong, so you can continue the slander against Catholics.
Chum, like all the others who slander Catholics, you have just proved that you are totally ignorant of what Catholics believe. Instead of asking you tell us what we do. Fact is we have heard it all before. Fact is you are repeating the slander that is splashed around by the usual anti-Catholic bigots who make unsubstantiated allegations about Mary, who is not and never has been elevated to a position of goddess by the Catholic Church. Of course that is something that Jack Chick believes, so if I were you, I would throw away the Jack Chick tracts because the man does not know what he is talking about. Also forget all the other slander about pagan religions, because that just shows how petty some people can be in their attempts to accuse the Catholic Church of that which is not true.
BTW coming on as two people is not all that clever. How is it that you know the mind of Doulos1 unless you are the same person pretending to be someone else?
I will bet that this question was posed by someone teaching you to witness to Catholics. I can see that the ultimate goal in the question is to try and confuse the Catholics on the board, so that they will question what they have been taught.
Well sport, what you were not told is that Catholics do know the Scripture. It is not a priest who tells them what to believe because Catholics are not little children who are totally dependent upon another person. What you are not told by the person who is taking your apologetics class, is that when you pose a question like the one you posed, you will get to see all of the Scriptures that point to the fact that the Scripture does not state that Mary had other children.
If you are relying upon that one verse that says “until” then that is very foolish in my opinion. I discovered for myself that the Scripture tells me that the four men who are named as being kinsmen of Jesus are: Simon, Joseph (Joset), James the Less and Judas Thaddeus. At the same time, the lists of the Apostles state that Alphaeus, not Joseph is the father of both James the Less and Judas Thaddeus. Scripture also states that James the less and Joses are the sons of the other Mary. We provided the quotes from Scripture, yet you ignore those passages of Scripture because you have been erroneously told (or have probably read in the books written by Mr J. White, and Eric Svendsen) that the word “until” proves that Mary had other children.
You refuse to do the hard work and you do not check out the facts for yourself. Now be a good boy and go read your Bible and try to comprehend the information that has been provided to you. It is in Scripture that Mary did not have other children. There are no other children that are ever mentioned as being her children. One person only is named as her son, and that is Jesus.