"How libraries are being used to corrupt children and what you can do about it"

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Most librarians probably listen to NPR to and from work, which is a station of endless leftist propaganda shows.
Well no one tips in a library. Nor do children tip. Certainly a child tipping a drag queen is pretty weird. It does somehow imply that the female impersonator performed a personal service for that child.
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Well no one tips in a library. Nor do children tip. Certainly a child tipping a drag queen is pretty weird. It does somehow imply that the female impersonator performed a personal service for that child.
I gave coins to street performers as a child - and the occasional.homeless person as an adult. None of them did a ‘personal service’ for me.
I find it amazing that parents are so willing to bring their toddlers, tweens and teens to an event designed to introduce them to all manners of sexual deviancy. From the above link posted, it sees that even parental protests to the county commission are completely ignored.
We should all support out public libraries.
If people would read more and tweet less, we all would be better off!
Why wife is a librarian and she is as conservative as they come. Quit trying to stir the pot.
We need more funding for libraries!!!
Please. Next you will be writing that all books are liberal. After that, burning them?
Good grief.
Give it a rest.
Libraries are politically neutral. They are books.
Reading books is a good thing.
I’m guessing the people behind this movement are just trying to teach children that the wearers of these costumes are loveable humans. These intentions are good. But from what I’ve seen, many of these actors are bringing sex into the children’s arena. The sexual overtones of the dress and the performance are what bother me.
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Libraries are politically neutral.
Every library chooses a canon of books, and often this canon is affected by the ideologies of the one who chooses the list. It’s impossible to include everything. I believe it is important that as much as possible should be made available to adults. But, a public library has a civic duty to be the steward of appropriate material for children. Censorship is healthy in this instance.
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Individual librarians here and there might be conservative, but the administrators of public libraries tend to be liberal.
Yes, let’s support public libraries and decent books, not drag queens and indecent books.

If libraries can have drag queens reading to kids, let’s also have nuns reading to kids.
So far, two of these library drag queens have been revealed to be convicted pedophiles. Others have been unmasked as strippers at homosexual clubs. There is absolutely nothing loveable about any of this. And you are absolutely correct in your subsequent post when you say " many of these actors are bringing sex into the children’s arena."

They are sexualizing little children. And that is exceedingly wicked.
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people here really overreacted to this Photo. even to accusing of parents of child abuse on the basis of single photo.
Do you know that there are clear standards regarding adult volunteers touching children and this image demonstrates gross violation of said standards?
  1. Search “Houston” and “drag queen story hour.”
  2. Strippers of any orientation are unfit to work with children. Just as those who engage in any kind of public lewd behavior are unfit to work with children. The Internet reveals all.
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It’s a rather not so subtle way of impugning one’s integrity. Laughably dismissible.
  1. Search “Houston” and “drag queen story hour.”
  2. Strippers of any orientation are unfit to work with children. Just as those who engage in any kind of public lewd behavior are unfit to work with children. The Internet reveals all.
How are strippers engaging in 'public lewd behaviour"? They are in private adult-only venues.

Many do so without those closest to.them.having any idea what they do. If this is the case, how can anyone say it affects their ability to parent or work around a child?
Do you think we should have a stripper story hour too, then? I’m just wondering what exactly is trying to be achieved by this whole drag queen mania?
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Some of them are already acting out stripping as a grand finale to their drag queen story hour performances. One is even photographed flouncing for tips from very young children, who are no doubt being coached to act like strip club patrons.
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