How many Catholics would vote for full legal implementation of Church teaching on abortion?

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As long as you can also accept the destruction of the mind of the 13 yo girl and that she may never recover and be whole again.
We don’t know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this would completely destroy the mind of this 13 year old girl.

Conversely, it could destroy the mind of the 13-year-old girl by pushing her into getting an abortion early on, a decision that one may be making hastily at the beginning of a pregnancy. What if she were to later, and throughout the rest of he life blame herself for the murder of that innocent baby? This actually happens quite commonly with women that get abortions, it has sadly led some women to alcoholism, drug addiction and suicide.

So there’s two sides to the coin that you present and there’s really no way of knowing 100% which will lead to the best outcome for the 13-year-old girl, but we do know that it is wrong to murder somebody and, that abortion is murder.
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In my personal opinion if one is being honest with oneself, they cannot support abortion and still call themselves Christian.
In the same sense one cannot support war & call themselves a Christian. I understand there is a big difference. But killing is killing. Lots of innocents are killed in every war, whether bombing in England or Nagasaki.

How many would vote their country would no longer participate in war?

We need to change our hearts, then it wouldn’t matter what the law allows.
I have always wondered about the pro-life movement in the west opposing punishment for the women they consider have ‘murdered’. In some cases these same people support the death penalty for people who murder born human beings.
You need to be more informed about the teachings of the Catholic faith regarding Capital Punishment and abortion. Perhaps, the words of Pope Benedict would help you:

“Capital punishment is death imposed on guilty individuals who had committed the most horrendous crimes; whereas, abortion is death imposed on children who are completely innocent.”
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In the same sense one cannot support war & call themselves a Christian. I understand there is a big difference. But killing is killing. Lots of innocents are killed in every war, whether bombing in England or Nagasaki.
Brother there is a vast ocean between war and abortion.
If it is a just war, than it’s not the same.
In this sense “killing is killing” doesn’t apply, the slaughter of the weak and innocent isn’t the same as, say the USA going to war against Hitler to stop the disgusting evils that he was doing (the slaughter of the weak and innocent en mass, The Holocaust), and if when you (USA) stand up for the innocent (all effected by The Holocaust) you are attacked, you have every right to defend yourself.

Honestly brother, I’m not advocating for war, but equating war and abortion is just entirely too far off base, and miles off topic.
If you wish to discuss this further, perhaps you could start a new topic, titled along the lines of:

If pro-life movement opposes murder, why doesn’t it condemn all wars?

I’m sure you’ll get plenty of responses.
Until I was in my twenties, abortions were illegal in the way the opening poster proposes.
Then Catholics agreed with this, and didn’t even imagine that having abortion illegal was against anyone’s rights…

If the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe vs Wade, some states will passes laws greatly restricting abortion. The the situation the opening poster speak of will largely occur in some places. Some prominent Cafeteria Catholics would loudly complain, including Nancy Pelosi for one, but I think that by and large Catholics would find it acceptable.
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You need to be more informed about the teachings of the Catholic faith regarding Capital Punishment and abortion. Perhaps, the words of Pope Benedict would help you:

“Capital punishment is death imposed on guilty individuals who had committed the most horrendous crimes; whereas, abortion is death imposed on children who are completely innocent.
So in jurisdictions that continue to use the death penalty should it be applied to women wh have abortions? Some here have supported life imprisonment.
Yes, I would support this fully. I believe abortion and should be illegal under all circumstances.

The reason is because the science seems to make it clear to me that unborn children are living human beings. When I first decided to learn about the debate I reached this conclusion before I learned that the Church opposed it.
So in jurisdictions that continue to use the death penalty should it be applied to women wh have abortions? Some here have supported life imprisonment.
Supporting capital punishment and being pro-life are consistent with Catholic teachings. Abortion is inherently immoral. In the eye of the Church, having an abortion, or helping someone procuring an abortion, is a mortal sin, and also incurs automatic excommunication.

Civil/criminal punishment for abortion is a matter of prudential judgment. The Church has taken no position in this arena. Therefore, it is wide open for members of society to decide.

No, I don’t support life imprisonment for abortion. It would be too harsh, and unreasonable.
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Grateful to live in the USA, where you can’t determine what rights I can and cannot have.
Grateful to live in the USA, where you can’t determine what rights I can and cannot have.
Suffice it to say, your affirmation in your “right to choose” puts you in direct conflict with the faith you claim to profess, as your profile states you profess to be Catholic, the Catholic teaching is that it is never ok to get an abortion on the grounds of “unwanted pregnancy” no matter the circumstances that led to the pregnancy, the Church feels so strongly about this, that one who gets an abortion for such reasons is automatically excommunicated.

I’m not sure if you are ignorant to the RCC’s stance on this, or if you simply don’t care.
If the latter is true, I don’t understand why you (and anyone that feels that same way), continue to claim that you are Catholic, when clearly one who thinks in opposition to what the RCC teaches is not.

I hope that you are simply confused and trying to work through these issues as best you can.

Peace be with you, and you are in my prayers.
That would be government imposing a religious tenet on the populace, and it would violate the separation of church and state.
That would be government imposing a religious tenet on the populace, and it would violate the separation of church and state.
Well, yes. But separation of Church and State is not a part of Catholic teaching. How would you vote in this experimental referendum?
Abortion is inherently immoral
Not, as the additions to my OP from the moderators make clear, in all cases. Only ‘direct’ abortion is proscribed by Catholic teaching. The removal of a fallopian tube containing a foetus is moral.
Not, as the additions to my OP from the moderators make clear, in all cases. Only ‘direct’ abortion is proscribed by Catholic teaching. The removal of a fallopian tube containing a foetus is moral.
You are spinning/misrepresenting the teachings of the Church to accommodate pro-abortion agenda. The Church is against abortion, and abortion is inherently immortal. Active medical procedures with specific goals to kill the unborn child is abortion.

The “moderators” you mentioned (whoever they are) are not the authority of the Church. If they are Catholic, they are to accede to, and to obey the doctrines of the Church.
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That would be government imposing a religious tenet on the populace, and it would violate the separation of church and state.
Well, yes. But separation of Church and State is not a part of Catholic teaching. How would you vote in this experimental referendum?
Separation of Church and State isn’t Catholic teaching, but it is one of the fundamental cornerstones of our system of government. I would vote against such legislation not because I favor abortion, but because I don’t want our government – any branch of it at any level – to become a theocracy. Anytime a government imposes any teaching of any specific religion on its people, it’s a theocracy.
Anytime a government imposes any teaching of any specific religion on its people, it’s a theocracy.
Among the teachings of Christianity and of Buddhism are against murders, abuses against the poor, against abuses of consumerism, against kidnappings, human traffickings, prostitutions, etc…

These are just simply good laws, and have nothing to do with theocracy.
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If I have done so, please tell me how.
The Church has/would never declared:

“The removal of a fallopian tube containing a foetus is moral.”

This removal can be done deliberately to kill the unborn child. You are advocating a procedure that could kill the child—which is abortion— under the disguise of simply removing a tube which you advocate as “moral”.
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