How many Clergy and other Religious post on CAF?

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He said so. His name is after a person he respects and enjoys reading. If you search through his posts, you will find the statement unless it is in one of the posts or threads removed. Its akin to the username after a saint, for example. The photo of the rabbi is his profile photo.
It is also not nice to gossip people behind their back. 🙂 I am sorry I didn’t do this earlier, @Rabbi - are you a Rabbi or is the nickname symbolic? Thank you.
It is also not nice to gossip people behind their back. 🙂 I am sorry I didn’t do this earlier, @Rabbi - are you a Rabbi or is the nickname symbolic? Thank you.
Excellent idea.

However, would you mind explaining the
label you have given me. Are you proposing I am anti semitic, for example.

I am ignoring your claim of gossip, given you started the enquiry by asking
According to what do you base your statement on?
for what you now refer to as
Pope Francis tells us not to engage in gossip. So if we think someone is gossiping, we are not to emgage in it, if we are attempting to follow the Pope’s teachings. It destroys communities, and I believe Pope Francis has labelled it one of the works (smoke) of satan.

You are in my prayers.
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label you have given me. Are you proposing I am anti semitic, for example.
I called you a conspirator because you said the devil works here. And many Christians see everything happening (to them) as a conspiracy from the Enemy. It may be true, or it may not be true. Jesus told us not to live in fear. Just after the Resurrection. :hugs: I am conspirator too sometimes but I really want to stop because it really does not matter the specifics of the Enemy’s work because we are being tempted and tested 24/7, all of us on this planet.
Sorry if this truly upset you so much because it seems it did.
God bless
I dont see others asking if so and so is really a religious.
I have indeed asked this question when the person posting was saying things that did not seem to fit with the normal behavior of a clergy or religious, such as insulting other clergy or posting questionable things about Catholic doctrine while claiming to be a priest. I will also flag the person to the moderators and ask them to check. I have not flagged for this in many months though and the couple of people I remember flagging in this way both ended up quickly banned.
called you a conspirator because you said the devil works here.
If you dont see the work of satan on this forum, then that is your call. However to label another a
I called you a conspirator
is insulting, uncharitable and disrespectful.

And right now we are way off topic and it would be disrespectful to the op to derail this thread. Please pm me if you would like to continue this conversation.

I do not live in fear, however I confess that satan is in the world and works to destroy it.

To get back on topic. I start my journey into a religious community in a couple of days. For many , it is a time where satan really tries hard to derail the journey and remove the calling.
I recall a post by @Rabbi where he stated that he was not actually a Rabbi. He is pretty knowledgeable, however, about Jewish Orthodoxy.
Kudos to the professed and ordained who post here! They knowingly and willingly expose themselves to any and all types of communication, from those living in facilities and out, in-custody and out.

Still, all are loved by God and in need of spiritual help from time to time. Do I count myself among them?

You betcha.
Hello to all:

I am still here, and apologize I haven’t posted anything in a number of months.

I have been lights-out, laser-focused on a particular Church project, something I should have completed next week, I would estimate.

That is what has taken me from the forums, recently.

Just FYI here are a couple of items around Deacon Christopher:
  • I have been a member of these forums for a LONG time, long before the current software that we use now. There was never a need to be anonymous before, so that is why I have never made my profile private.
  • Apparently this is a rare thing, but I have never been warned, suspended, or interacted with a moderator in all these years for any reason, topic, or question. I am surprised to learn that many of you have been.
  • I am, most certainly, a real deacon. I was ordained fifteen years ago, and work for the Church full-time, and have for 13 years.
  • I studied for the priesthood years ago, and graduated from the seminary.
  • I don’t mind discussion, disagreement, or anything of the sort.
  • The area of greatest frustration for me personally is when someone posts a question that is clearly pastoral in nature; and other clerics or myself respond with a “best discuss this with your priest” suggestion rather than taking 100 opinions from well-intentioned (yet typically untrained and sometimes doctrinally confused) forum members. That’s the only area in which I wish there was a little more deference given to the clergy / Religious. Remember, all those priests and nuns and brothers and deacons were ordained and consecrated (set aside for sacred use) by Holy Mother Church to serve the People of God. No cleric or Religious here want to do anything other than help those entrusted to our care.
I will be back to posting more regularly in the near future. I do enjoy reading a few responses when I get a little free time.

Deacon Christopher
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