I'm beginning to think that you either like to gaggle or you don't understand my position. I am saying that the Christian Church should be broad enough to welcome people of differing views, except for those who might advocate murder, theft, etc. So, you would be welcome in the Church I envision, despite views of yours with which I may not agree. No big deal, Christians disagreeing among themselves on many issues. Some day we will know who was right, if any of us, which I rather doubt. My guess is that we, with our finite minds, don't have much of a clue when it comes to ultimate spiritual truth. That's why humanity has concocted all sorts of beliefs. Trust in God and love of one another - as Christ stated - is basic, Much of the rest is conjecture.
The problem is that I apparently would not be welcome in your church unless I accepted all of its doctrines etc. Fine. But people like you here on CAF have about convinced me that I don't belong in the Catholic Church. However, most of my Catholic friends, like most of my Protestant friends, seem to be far more relaxed about such matters and don't insist that their concept of truth is the only correct one. I find the UCC, Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalians, and others - 'big tent' churches - all the more appealing now that I have been on CAF for awhile. But one of my favororite columnists, Fr. NcBrien of Notre Dame, seems to embrace and promote a very different Catholicism. Is Catholicism divided rather like Protestantism, but it operates behind a facade of unity? I'm beginning to wonder. Most Protestants I know don't seem to feel the need to agree on everything, but allow for a wide variation without condemnation. They appear to range from very liberal (Unitarianish) to mildly evangelical.