I am not sure what you are asking so if this is it let me know.
Are you asking if everyone that followed Jesus believe that he was truly God.
what I am suggesting from Johns text is that first one must believe that Christ was the Messiah. remember when Christ asked Peter the question " who do people say I am?" what was Peters reply to the question? HInt Some say Elijah…
The people understood that he was from God in some way, but not always, necessarily God or the Messiah.
If that is what you are asking I cannot honestly answer it. Nor can anyone else if you ask me. Only God truly knows the heart and mind of a person.
I agree. and achording to this passage in John, it thespirit of God that convicts, but John gives us a glimps at the end of the chapter.
Joh 6:64 But still some of you have no faith. For it was clear to Jesus from the first who they were who had no faith, and who it was who would be false to him.
Joh 6:65 And he said, This is why I said to you, No man is able to come to me if he is not given the power to do so by the Father.
But I can tell you what I assume from what scripture says.
I try not to assume to much in Scripture unless it is very clear. but I am still human.
The bible I read was translated by over 85 scholars, translating them to todays language. but the trick is not just translating in to the english , french or some other language, the culture, understanding and world view must be taken into concideration.
If you Love me keep my word. Jesus did say that there are many kind of followers.
and the parable of the sower demonstrates that.
I know that I can only answer for my self. My mother always told me that was all I had to worry about, she said when I get done confessing my sins I won’t have any time to worry about anyone elses
agreed. I am luck to take care of myself most day. in the middle of working manditory 58 hour weeks at the moment.
BUt here is what my Dad told me all my life about faith. You are either hot or cold you cannot be lukewarm.
I agree with your dad. remember what Christ said to the church in Philadelphia.
Re 3:15 I have knowledge of your works, that you are not cold or warm: it would be better if you were cold or warm.
Re 3:16 So because you are not one thing or the other, I will have no more to do with you.
It took me a year after he died to understand what he meant. And I believe that may be what you are asking me.
The scripture is Revelations. You either accept all of the words of Christ and follow his commandments or you don’t. You must be your best every second of your life. You must have Jesus in your heart every second of you life. You must pray everyday for the Holy Spirit to give you grace. It is with that grace that you can be what God asks you to be.
But it must be consistant not lukewarm. Papa said you must be HOT!! Sorry not yelling
Smoking Hot!!
I know there are many people who believe in God but do not want to obey his commandments. Hey I myself don’t like to obey all the time.
Like yesterday it was the first nice day we had all week. My husband and I wanted so bad to hit the pub on the bike it was wing night and bike night and have a couple beers and unwind.
But Guess what It was a Holy Day too. If I have to be totally honest I would have rather hit the Pub. But I did go to Church because it is a Holy Day and God said. But honestly when I hit the Church, I knew I made the right move!!
you did good
So yesterday I was Hot
You have to choose God All the time. Its hard, We all know that. If I could just stay hot for one whole week that would be awesome. So maybe could throw a couple prayers my way too. Okay
If that is not you question ask it again, I promise to answer it for ya.