I will put it in two simple words that also Luther has used: SOLA GRATIA (alone through mercy!)But just curious. if The Eucharist is not the real flesh of Christ how do you feel we can obtain eternal life then. John 6:50-69 How do we eat this bread that comes down from heaven if not in the Eucharist. How can we have eternal life then. Because Jesus says who ever eats this bread will live forever. Because you deny what John 6; 50-59 claims, that the bread that Christ gives us is his flesh for the life of the world. Once again how do you obtain it?
If we accept Christ Jesus as our Savior and so become Christians - and are then baptized with Water and the Holy Ghost. - Baptizm Water as an outward sign. - Then we are saved. We don’t need the Eucharist. The Eucharist as the Catholics are practicing it, is a pagan rite. The Last Supper was ONLY meant as a Feast in His remembrance - what He did on the Cross for US. - He took all our sins up to the cross and the promissory note is now torn apart. We can go no faithfully to our Lord, YHWH, our Father in heaven again.
But I think you also know my position as well as I now your own - because it has been stated SEVERAL times in this thread!
In Christ,