I have to believe that GOD reads our hearts and the slightest bit of remorse that we show for a sin we have commited he will have mercy on!!It gets really scary when people talk about Christians going to Hell when you consider the Billions that don’t even BELIEVE in Christ-Figure all the Muslims,buddhists,atheists,Jews,Hindu’s,satanist’s,Mormons,Jehovah witnesses.You would hope that if a majority of people are going to hell that GOD would somehow end the Human race and not let anymore be born just to go to hell!I just have a hard time believing GOD let’s that many people go to hell. In my personal life i have never met someone so rotten that you could actually say that they deserve hell1 And some on this board are so quick to think that Trillions are going to hell without a hint of hesitation…I choose to be more optomistic! On a lighter note…wouldnt it suck to be a midget your whole life and end up in Hell! Man,…where’s the mercy!!!LOL!LOL midget people should get a free pass!