How many of us will end up in hell?

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Dear friends

I have more faith in God’s mercy than any sin any person can commit.

Sin is like a drop of rain in the ocean of God’s Mercy.

The only way to end up in hell is to reject God in this life and even at the point of death and remain unrepentant.

God Bless you and much love and peace to you

Be prepared, be vigilant, be worried the way St. Paul was worried.

Pray for the conversion of sinners everyday (please includes me in your prayers :o ).

God Bless
Some will reject God and end up there…but I believe the majority will accept God’s unconditional love and experience His Mercy.
How many of us will end up in Hell?

That’s an easy one.

It will be exactly and precisely the number of people that have rejected God’s Mercy and Grace and who have thereby personally chosen Hell.

That’s how many …

This thread is depressing!!! I know people choose hell, but I hate to think of those people being ones I know and love; or simply the people I see walk about me everyday who aren’t aware of what they’re choosing.
I choose to pray for God’s mercy on us all.

“At the evening of life, we shall be judged on love.” St. John of the Cross
…one is too many… that’s our job, to make sure the score board reads. Heaven a cazillion, and SATAN “zero”…

…we got lots to do… peace:thumbsup:
In Catholic Answers library there is an excellent article, approved by the Church, on the subject of Hell that begins as follows:

**The Hell There Is!

“The doctrine of hell is so frightening that numerous heretical sects end up denying the reality of an eternal hell. The Unitarian-Universalists, the Seventh-Day Adventists, the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Christadelphians, the Christian Scientists, the Religious Scientists, the New Agers, and the Mormons—all have rejected or modified the doctrine of hell so radically that it is no longer a serious threat. In recent decades, this decay has even invaded mainstream Evangelicalism, and a number of major Evangelical figures have advocated the view that there is no eternal hell—the wicked will simply be annihilated…”**

**If you are really interested I suggest you read the article in its entirety. Its an easy read and can be found at:

Love & peace in Christ,

I don’t want to venture a guess, but I would say that a fair number of us will. I do live in hope and I pray for the grace I need to avoid it and I pray for others to recieve the graces they need as well.

I definitly believe in the Devil, and therefore I also believe in hell. The Devil is most certainly at work. I feel that many of the evil thoughts we have do indeed have their origin in him and not in our subconscience.
I wonder you con not go when you go to vatican? :o
space ghost:
…one is too many… that’s our job, to make sure the score board reads. Heaven a cazillion, and SATAN “zero”…

…we got lots to do… peace:thumbsup:
This statement surely has to put the fear of God in us. Having read many, many Fatima books (as I am doing research in this area), Our Lady has said and showed that most souls during WW1 went to hell. I tremble at this. If that happened around 1917-1919…what would happen today??? :eek:

Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God have mercy on us, sinners! :bowdown:

That’s very disheartening.

Could you provide a little more detail on this Shoshana?
Good point! The concept of eternal damnation is very discomfiting. I guess that most priests, feeling that their congregation doesn’t even want to think about it, take care not to mention it. They might also be concerned that some people can become so obsessed with the fear of hell that they end up fleeing Catholicism by leaving the Church. Barbara Pappas, an Orthodox Christian, offers some good advice in her ‘Are You Saved’ (p.47):

“There will indeed be judgement, but we should not despair. We need not live our lives in doubt and trepidation. We have the hope of salvation. We know that God keeps His promises, and that if we truly love Him and really try to be followers of Christ, we shall be saved (Mt 24:13).”


Excellent advice that is too - for Hell is easy to avoid: all we need do is love God & our neighbour 🙂 IOW “Listen to [Christ]”.​

Unless of course one can be in a state of grace and in Hell… ##
Actually, living a good life does affect it. “Once saved always saved” is a heresy that is not supported by scripture or any of the church fathers.

If keeping the commandments could save us, Christ would be irrelevant and useless. Mere obedience to a Law, without the Divine Love which gives the motive for it, can’t save. St Paul is very clear about the limitations of the Law - it was holy, it was good, but, it brought knowledge of sin, and guilt too - but not salvation. It couldn’t.​

His grace is what saves us - not what we do by our own unaided abilities. Our own works are worthless rubbish if they are not done by the grace of Christ our Strength instead of by our own pitiful human strength.
If we look to our own works, and not to the infinitely gracious Redeemer, of course we’re going to despair. How can anything from us, done by us, without our being united to Christ by His Love and mercy, possibly help us in the long run ? We don’t rise by pulling on our shoe-laces, but by being renewed by the God Whose constant Love can never fail us, and Who never deserts unless we first insist on deserting Him. And even then He does not abandon us. ##
That’s very disheartening.

Could you provide a little more detail on this Shoshana?
Taken from…more about Fatima by Fr Montes:

P70: The sins of the world

Shortly before her death little Jacinta said sadly:
'The sins that lead most souls to hell are sins of the flesh!..
Certain fashions will be introduced which will offend Our Divine Lord very much. Those who serve God ought not to follow these fashions…
*’*The sins of the world are too great! The Blessed Virgin has said that there will be many wars and disturbances in the world: wars are only punishments for the sins of the world!..
'The Blessed Virgin can no longer restrain the arm of her Divine Son, which will strike the world…
‘Men must do penance…If they do not reform, the punishment will surely come…’

The Chastisement

Ill in bed, *Jacinta was thinking one day, holding her head in her hands, *when her mother asked: 'What are you thinking about? She only smiled, but later confided to lucy: 'I was *thinking *of Our Lord, of the blessed Virgin, of sinners, and of the war that is to come…So many lives will be lost, and almost all will go to hell. So many houses will be destroyed, and so many priests will be killed.
‘Oh! What a pity! If men ceased offending the Lord, the war would not come and such great numbers would not go to hell…’

The Sign in the Night

‘Listen, Lucy,’ continued Jacinta, ‘I am going soon to heaven, (so I have nothing to fear from these chastisements). But you, when you see in the night that light which the Blessed Virgin mentioned, take refuge also above.’
‘But do you not see,’ replied Lucy, 'that one cannot seek refuge like that in heaven?..
‘That is true…But still do not be afraid. In heaven i shall pray very much for you, and for the Holy Father, and for Portugal that the war may not come here, and for all priests.’

Italics are not mine. This is verbatim from the book…

I read the link which was sermon attributed to St Leonard of Port Maurice. Preaching that all but 6 out of 30,000 souls will “fall into hell” is very discouraging and not at all helpful. Anyone who believes this must logically regard salvation as hopeless for all except the most saintly. It encourages us to live our lives as atheists - all I have is the here and now so I should strive to obtain the greatest comfort and security for ME for the longest I can. Self-sacrifice of any kind is for fools. Doesn’t our Church guide us to a sure formula for salvation, i.e. dying in a state of grace. And is that not obtained by making a genuine confession of our sins before death? In St Leonard’s sermon even that is discounted because the saint (or whoever wrote this) states that most deathbed confessions are insincere. I have to agree that most of the people around us may not be saved because they grossly neglect their spiritual health throughout their lives. But those who attend mass as often as they should and go to confession at least once a year (as the Church requires) and pray constantly to die in a state of grace - can most of them (us) be damned as well?
Then maybe you should read this:

I would say few if any will end up below, most who visit these boards are Catholics, and as such have received Communion in the spirit it which it should be received.

Jesus promises us, anyone who eats my Body and drinks my Blood will have life everlasting.

We may all be sinners, but our faith in the Lord, our love for God and neighbors, and our continued leading upright lives will lead us all to Heaven.

God does not abandon or condemn His friends. Our Lord knows who belongs to Him, who follows Him and His Church. AND even those who are not of His flock, BUT who do the will of God will not suffer damnation. :yup:

I certainly hope most folks end up in Heaven, and I trust that God will be merciful towards everyone, especially towards folks who may not be as devout or as faithful as they should be.

I see a lot of Catholics who show up only on Easter and Christmas, and I pray for all of them as I used to be among them.

Revelation 12:4 indicates that about a third will be damned.
Glory be and praise the Lord…I LOVE it when I can find a reliable mathematical formula for salvation!!! (and the odds are SO much better than I would have expected!)
What about those who miss Mass? The majority of Catholics neglect going to Mass, and by those numbers alone, it seems like the majority of we Catholics are in big trouble. I mean, missng Mass once without a good exscuse is a mortal sin! I certainly don’t think it seems right for someone to burn in unending torment because they didn’t go to a few Masses.😦
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