How many Protestant denominations? 33,820?

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Protestant apologist Eric Svendsen has taken exception to this statistical study, or rather to those who don’t read it his way, and has concluded that are are actually only 8,196 Protestant denominations :D.
I laughed so hard, I inhaled a piece of bowtie pasta & choked till I turned all shades of purple. Go easy on those smilie faces, you could hurt someone. Peace. -Tex
Into one hymn, yourselves unite, stars, earth and sea; and the Incomprehensible Devine Mercy, in concert praise, charmingly. Amen. -St. Faustina
No matter how many protestant denominations there are, each one of them claim to be the Truth, and as we saw in the World Baptist whatever example not all of these denominations agree with eachother. The fact remains that only one Church was started by Jesus Christ, and has Christ show up every day in bodly form for our “services”. That would be the Catholic Church!
I laughed so hard, I inhaled a piece of bowtie pasta & choked till I turned all shades of purple. Go easy on those smilie faces, you could hurt someone. Peace. -Tex
Only 8,196 😦 thats not many, us Catholics are totally out numbered :rotfl:
One thing that is misunderstood by both sides is the assumption that “Sola Scriptura” means that all people with the Holy Spirit can interpret the Bible infallibly. Well this obviously is not true…

After this surprising admission, which is all too obviously true, tell us why all Protestant denominations claim that what they teach in each of their thousands of competing and conflicting doctrines is ABSOLUTE TRUTH? And why none of them says, ‘Maybe we’re right, maybe we’re wrong, but come and worship with us just in case we’ve got it right. Nobody knows for sure who’s right. We’ve all got our own interpretation. But ours is as good as any. And – we’ve got a workout room.’

JMJ Jay 🙂
This is a spin-off from The Real Luther thread.

An article in the April 16, 2001 Newsweek magazine, that documents the rapid growth of separate, competing, and conflicting Protestant denominations in the world, reports the number of denominations as 33,820.

Newsweek’s source for this number is the World Christian Encyclopedia by David Barrett (2001 edition), where it appears on page 10 of Volume 1. (In 1970, a similar statistical study by Barrett gave the number of denominations as 26,350.) The 2001 figure is broken down as 11,830 traditional denominations and 21,990 paradenominations. He divides Christianity into (Roman) Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Protestant (Barrett is an Anglican clergyman). So if an organization does not belong in one of the first three categories, it’s Protestant. Barrett has some statistical definitions and breakdowns which must be taken into account.

Protestant apologist Eric Svendsen has taken exception to this statistical study, or rather to those who don’t read it his way, and has concluded that are are actually only 8,196 Protestant denominations 😃 . He criticizes Catholic apologists for using the larger number, though they most likely get it from publications like Newsweek. I doubt that every apologist has a copy of the statistical study, which costs a couple of hundred dollars or more.

I don’t agree with Svendsen limited definition of “Protestant,” but as I told him (in 2001?), 8,196 Protestant denominations are plenty, plenty to prove the fallacy of Sola Scriptura. :whacky:

Good Day, JMJ

If I recall did not Mr. Barrett say in this paper that there were a number of RC denominations, if we use his idea of what 1 is?

Peace to u,

bbas 64:
Good Day, JMJ

If I recall did not Mr. Barrett say in this paper that there were a number of RC denominations, if we use his idea of what 1 is?

Peace to u,

Remember Barrett’s definition of “denomination”? Here it is again: “Any agency consisting of a number of congregations or churches voluntarily aligning themselves with it. As a statistical unit in this Encyclopedia, a ‘denomination’ always refers to one single country. Thus the Roman Catholic Church, although a single organization, is described here as consisting of 236 denominations in the world’s 238 countries.” (emphasis added)

In other words, the (Roman) Catholic Church has an active presence in all but two of the world’s 238 countries. It is truly the Universal (Catholic) Church.

When you read that definition carefully, do you see the affirmation from Fr. Barrett (he’s an Anglican priest) that the (Roman) Catholic Church is a single organization? Single = one.

The churches that use the name Catholic but are not under the jurisdiction of the Pope of Rome are not “Catholic churches.”

Examples posted:
Churches-Catholic-American (49) [not CC]
Churches-Catholic-Byzantine (48) [yes, prolly CC)
[/color]Churches-Catholic-Evangelical (4) [not CC]
Churches-Catholic-Mexican (12) [not CC]
Churches-Catholic-Old (6) [not CC]
Churches-Catholic-Roman (1962) [yes, CC]
Churches-Catholic-Traditional (66) ? prolly not CC]
Churches-Catholic, Church Of God (18) [not CC]
Churches-Catholic, Ecumenical (2) [not CC]
Churches-Catholic, Latin Rite (9) ? prolly not CC]
The two with question marks, I’d have to check out to be sure. But if they’re not under the Pope, they’re not part of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church. The Byzantine Churches are among the 22 autonomous ritual churches that together comprise the Catholic Church. If that’s who is referred to here, and not some other denomination using that name, they are Catholic.

There are no “Catholic denominations” as we non-statistical types understand the term. The Catholic Church is the Nomination from which all denominations are ultimately derived. She alone is the Mother Church of Christendom.

BTW, Barrett’s study isn’t a paper – it’s a statistical study in two volumes, 10 X 12, approximately 850 pages per volume.

Oremus pro invicem, Jay

You consistently refer to “22 autonomous ritual churches that together comprise the Catholic Church”. There are actually 23 such Churches, the Latin (or Roman) Church and 22 Churches using the Eastern or Oriental Rites.

Many years,


After this surprising admission, which is all too obviously true, tell us why all Protestant denominations claim that what they teach in each of their thousands of competing and conflicting doctrines is ABSOLUTE TRUTH? And why none of them says, ‘Maybe we’re right, maybe we’re wrong, but come and worship with us just in case we’ve got it right. Nobody knows for sure who’s right. We’ve all got our own interpretation. But ours is as good as any. And – we’ve got a workout room.’

JMJ Jay 🙂
Well, the various denominations might not say it but this is exactly how I feel. Do I think that the Lutheran Church is 100% correct in all of their proclamations and interpretations? No, absolutely not… Nor do I think that any Church can make that bold of claim, but as I have said many times before this could very well be my problem and not the Churches.

Do I think that other Christian Faiths are equal… no, there are some that have went too far in certain directions by my estimation.
  • Catholicism: Had their problems in the past but it is a noble Church that has made some tremendous reforms.
  • Calvinist Churches: I have some disagreements with their view of salvation, but overall they are not doing so badly.
  • Anabaptists: I would prefer to talk to them more about how I should frame my garage than on theological issues.
  • Pentecostals: Holy smokes!!! What in the world?
  • Fundamentalists: Thanks for sharing; I think I will go now.
  • Methodists: Whatever…
  • Karl Keating: Great Insightful leader
  • Jimmy Akin: very intelligent man that I can learn a great deal from
  • Srkbdk and Marie: have excellent posts and both make me want to be a better Christian
  • Katholikos: anger leads to the dark side of the force, but I love him as a brother
I don’t agree with Svendsen limited definition of “Protestant,” but as I told him (in 2001?), 8,196 Protestant denominations are plenty, plenty to prove the fallacy of Sola Scriptura. :whacky:
I was informed that the old NTRM forum format began in February, 2002 and the new format in November of the same year. Out of curiosity, do you have any of Eric’s responses to your critique of his article?

Well, the various denominations might not say it but this is exactly how I feel. Do I think that the Lutheran Church is 100% correct in all of their proclamations and interpretations? No, absolutely not… Nor do I think that any Church can make that bold of claim, but as I have said many times before this could very well be my problem and not the Churches.

Do I think that other Christian Faiths are equal… no, there are some that have went too far in certain directions by my estimation.
  • Catholicism: Had their problems in the past but it is a noble Church that has made some tremendous reforms.
  • Calvinist Churches: I have some disagreements with their view of salvation, but overall they are not doing so badly.
  • Anabaptists: I would prefer to talk to them more about how I should frame my garage than on theological issues.
  • Pentecostals: Holy smokes!!! What in the world?
  • Fundamentalists: Thanks for sharing; I think I will go now.
  • Methodists: Whatever…
In other words, there is no ‘capital T’ TRUTH in Christianity. Christianity is a guessing game. Christianity is a revealed religion, but there is no way to know what God revealed. The heavens opened and a collection of books fell out, in the red letter, leather-bound edition, and God said, "This is my Word – and it’s all you need to know for your salvation – figure out what it means for yourself."
  • Karl Keating: Great Insightful leader
  • Jimmy Akin: very intelligent man that I can learn a great deal from
  • Srkbdk and Marie: have excellent posts and both make me want to be a better Christian
  • Katholikos: anger leads to the dark side of the force, but I love him as a brother
**I agree with your assessments of people – except myself :D. **
Amusing, but I am not at all angry. I tell it like it is. I’m very direct. I take the shortest distance between two points. But I am deliriously happy to have learned the truth. I once was blind, but now I see. My friends call me “Industrial-Strength Catholic.”🙂

Fortunately, not everyone finds me angry or dark. I’ve mentored two Protestant efriends I met at discussion forums into the Church – one in Oregon two years ago (wife, husband, and two sons), one in London this year.

**I suspect you didn’t like what I had to say about “The Real Luther.” 😛 **

**Peace be with you, Jay **
Irish Melkite:

You consistently refer to “22 autonomous ritual churches that together comprise the Catholic Church”. There are actually 23 such Churches, the Latin (or Roman) Church and 22 Churches using the Eastern or Oriental Rites.

Many years,

The Georgians? Everyone always forgets the Georgians.

source for this number is the World Christian Encyclopedia by David Barrett (2001 edition)
Found at:

Used to be completely free, but now only offers 30-day free trials.

In my quick perusal, I thought Barrett, an Anglican, ignored obvious Anglican divisions, created Catholic divisions were none exist, and didn’t really explore Protestant divisions (or lack thereof) adequately. Regardless, it is clear that Protestants have thousands of denominations. He lists over 600 in the United States alone not counting the growing non-denom phenom.

My favorite Protestant denom:
Christ the King, Graceland Independent Anglican Church of Canada with their faux elvis pastor
Uh-huh HUH! Thankya, Thankya very much!
Irish Melkite:

You consistently refer to “22 autonomous ritual churches that together comprise the Catholic Church”. There are actually 23 such Churches, the Latin (or Roman) Church and 22 Churches using the Eastern or Oriental Rites.

Many years,

I’m always happy to be corrected, Neil. Thanks. I guess many who discuss the autonomous ritual churches haven’t gotten the word either. Here are some of my sources (they all give the number as 22):

Peace be with you, Jay
Over at “the real Luther” thread I stated to Britta:
Hi Britta,
The point is that there is no such thing as 30,000 denominations. To put a little perspective into this please read the article: 30,000 Denominations?
To which Katholikos responded:
Please see my thread, How Many Protestant Denominations Are There? 33,820?
It explains the origin of this number.
I don’t see anyone here truly interacting with Eric Svendsen’s excellent article found here, but are content on recreating the argument to suit the palate and, of course, imposing double standards as well. So, with that in mind, Eric had answered much of the “recreation” in a subsequent article found here: 30,000 Protestant Denominations- Revisited.

Katholikos, I don’t know if you missed my question above, but I asked if you had any of Eric’s responses to your critique of his article. I know that some of the members of NTRM do have the old board archived, but I’ll have to wait and see if one can provide this interaction, but if you do have a copy, I would like to read the exchange.


My introduction to Svendsen was when I was posting at a Protestant/Catholic discussion group (2001? 2002?). I referred to “thousands of Protestant denominations world-wide.” (I had examined Barrett’s first edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia in the library and knew that his second edition had been published. I later bought it.) The moderator took exception to my comment. She asked me to reply to Svendsen’s article about the 30,000 denominations and posted the URL. I did critique it – to her. She then sent my comments to Svendsen. He responded to her, addressing my comments, which she, in turn, forwarded to me. I replied to Svendsen through her. Either she didn’t send him my follow-up commentary, or he didn’t answer. (I think she sent it, and he didn’t care to answer.) We left it there.

There ain’t no way you can deny that there are thousands of Protestant denominations. Read the Newsweek Magazine I mentioned at the beginning of this thread. There are many more than 30,000 if all of the denominations were counted! The itty bitty “churches” – in storefronts or homes – are never counted in a statistical breakdown. But ppl are acting on the principle of Sola Scriptura in founding them.

So what point are you trying to prove?

Peace be with you, Jay

P.S. I haven’t a clue what the NTRM is.
Oh, for cryin’ out loud. Jesus said, “I will build My Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” 2,000 years ago, Christ founded One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. *Any *more than one is too many. To be anything other than Catholic is to believe that Christ abandoned His Church.
My introduction to Svendsen was when I was posting at a Protestant/Catholic discussion group (2001? 2002?). I referred to “thousands of Protestant denominations world-wide.” (I had examined Barrett’s first edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia in the library and knew that his second edition had been published. I later bought it.) The moderator took exception to my comment. She asked me to reply to Svendsen’s article about the 30,000 denominations and posted the URL. I did critique it – to her. She then sent my comments to Svendsen. He responded to her, addressing my comments, which she, in turn, forwarded his response to me. I replied to Svendsen through her. Either she didn’t send him my follow-up commentary, or he didn’t answer. (I think she sent it, and he didn’t care to answer.) We left it there.
Understood. Which discussion group was this? CARM? Christian Forums? RTWFC? Do you have copies of your dialogue including his responses to them?
There ain’t no way you can deny that there are thousands of Protestant denominations. Read the Newsweek Magazine I mentioned at the beginning of this thread. There are many more than 30,000 if all of the denominations were counted! The itty bitty “churches” – in storefronts or homes – are never counted in a statistical breakdown. But ppl are acting on the principal of Sola Scriptura in founding them.
I’m sure you can agree that I wouldn’t go by what “Newsweek” determines as “Protestant.” I don’t see this magazine as understanding the issues enough in determining what comprises Protestantism. To them, if it isn’t Roman Catholic, Orthodox, or a World Religion (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.), and if it uses Christian tenets to any extent, it is therefore Protestant. So that would include Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, etc. as “Protestants” rather than pseudo-Christian cults. This would also include churches that break up due to disagreement over décor, administration, etc. and, by the statement above regarding “storefronts” and “home” churches, you’re assuming that these churches aren’t affiliated with other established denominations in an obvious attempt to “pad the numbers.” By the same token, I don’t accept your rationalisms of what comprises Protestantism because you seem willing to accept anything that “splinters” Protestantism into the numbers you claim, yet excuse the glaring double-standards inflicted when Catholicism is put under the same microscope. I don’t know the extent of your dialogue with Eric, but you haven’t provided anything here refuting his article in the least.

Part 2:
So what point are you trying to prove?
Actually, isn’t it you who are trying to prove something? I’m just trying to get information on your dialogue with Eric.
P.S. I haven’t a clue what the NTRM is.
It’s Eric Svendsen’s website. You’ll also find Pastor David T. King there as well. The discussion forum is found here: The Areopagus If you have any problems with his article then go to the source. I’m sure he will indulge you providing you know what you’re talking about. You’re more than welcome to participate 👍

Christ founded One Church. That One Church remains to this day, with a variety of rites, yet united.

Protestants protested certain teachings and practices of the One Church and broke off to preach and teach things more to their liking. This fragmenting and splintering continues on and on and on…and yes, I do regard all of the splinter groups as protestant ~ they protest the One, True Church founded by Christ Jesus: The Catholic Church.

How many Truths do you think there are, Churchmouse? How many True Churches? How many were founded by Christ? Did He abandon the One He founded? Did He make a mistake in founding It? Did He lie when He said He would be with It always? And that the jaws of death would not prevail against It?

Inquiring minds want to know…

Pax Christi. <><
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