Christ founded One Church. That One Church remains to this day, with a variety of rites, yet united.
You have a very “typical” view of Protestantism, so pardon me if I don’t address it (probably wouldn’t do much anyway). The catholic church didn’t teach Roman Catholic distinctives such as purgatory, Marian dogmas, an exclusive priesthood, etc. so what catholic church are you appealing to?Protestants protested certain teachings and practices of the One Church and broke off to preach and teach things more to their liking. This fragmenting and splintering continues on and on and on…and yes, I do regard all of the splinter groups as protestant ~ they protest the One, True Church founded by Christ Jesus: The Catholic Church.
Well, I’m sure your presumptions were running wild while typing the above, but to put it in essence, what is the Biblical concept of the church? Christ founded the church (Matt. 16:18). It is universal, made up of all New Covenant believers (Eph. 5:23-25). The church is never used to refer to a building. It is one church made up of fallible human beings. Jesus makes no mistakes, but men do. Jesus never said that the church would be errorless and considering this church is made up of fallible men, men introduced errors. However, there are certain things we need to believe to be saved—orthodox things, such as the deity of Christ—and then there are others which really have no bearing on our salvation, such as “gifts of the Spirit” vs. cessation of these gifts. Thus, the church is made up of individuals who make mistakes and have disagreements. Hope that helps.How many Truths do you think there are, Churchmouse? How many True Churches? How many were founded by Christ? Did He abandon the One He founded? Did He make a mistake in founding It? Did He lie when He said He would be with It always? And that the jaws of death would not prevail against It?
You gotta get yourself an EnquirerInquiring minds want to know…