‘Go talk to your priest’ seems to be the rule of thumb here. Every difficulty one runs across, and the advice is to talk to your priest.
There are reasons for this. Many of the inquiries we get on here require a priest for reasons of canon law or church rules, or require a priest for purposes of a process or a sacrament. We are generally not directing people to priests just to chat about their problems.
“Is this a sin?” - We on this forum are not in a position to judge someone else’s sins. If the sin seems obvious, such as stealing a high dollar item or cheating on wife, then we can say, “yes, sounds like a sin” but the person still needs to go to confession and be ablsolved by a priest. More often the sin is something that seems to be a scrupulosity issue or the poster seems very young, and in that case it should be handled by a priest in the confessional who among other things will tell the person what they should be confessing and how often, to avoid adding onto someone’s scrupulosity disorder, as well as absolving any sin that may have occurred. A priest is needed here for process, whether or not he does pastoral counseling.
“Is my marriage valid/ do I need an annulment/ etc.” - This is basically seeking canon law and marriage sacrament type advice, not pastoral counseling. These situations need the individual attention of a priest and perhaps also a canon lawyer. Much of the “advice” people give on here about these subjects is incorrect for the same reason much legal “advice” handed out on the Internet is incorrect, and in any case people on a forum cannot do the Church procedures required to make a marriage valid or annul one. A priest is needed here for process, whether or not he does pastoral counseling.
“I’m worried that I’m cursed/ my house has an evil spirit/ etc” - If the person does have any sort of demonic issue, then the priest is required to handle it. Lay Catholics cannot do deliverance on their own. The priest in talking to the person face to face would also be better able to determine if they might have a real problem needing exorcism, or are just letting their imagination run away with them, or possibly need a referral to a mental health counselor.
“I think I might have a vocation” - Obviously if you think you might want to be a priest, it’s a good idea to discuss this with an actual priest.
“I can’t stop masturbating or looking at porn” - A person in the grip of a repeated sin probably does need some kind of pastoral counseling to help them break the habit, especially since many of the people posting this stuff are minors and shouldn’t be discussing it on a forum full of adults.
“I want to become a Catholic” - You need to talk to a priest who will direct you to the nearest RCIA resource.
“I have a problem with something in my parish” - Obviously if there is a problem in your parish, you need to talk to the priest/ pastor there.
I have also noticed that posters on here are quite direct about situations where they feel the priest is NOT the best resource and one nneds to contact the police, call a suicide hotline, etc.