Speaking from a strictly lay point of view, I have gradually reached the conclussion that it is OK to question, even openly so, but it is also critically important to obey.
Growing up as a Catholic in the US, it is easy to think of Rome as something detached and not terribly relevant. Certainly I did. But in hindsight, teachings that I did not give much credence to often start to look very relevant over time.
For example, I was initially very skeptical about the absolute nature of our ban on abortions. After all, the tradition of abortions to save the life of a mother goes back to Christ. But the church chose to weigh in on the issue just as western eugenics began. It grew hugely popular in the US over 30 years, and might be popular still had it not been exposed as the attrocity it is via the Holocaust.
Similiarly, I did not understand, in the context of all the problems in the world, the Second Vatican Council was seemingly so concerned with fetal life. But that was also the beginning of vaccines grown human diploid cells harvested from the aborted. Futurists were already talking about organ harvesting.
I was also not terribly impressed with Pope John Paul II’s arguments about the death penalty. After all, we are talking about bad, evil people who have obviously done great harm. But I reluctantly obeyed. Now, with DNA science showing just how broken that aspect of our justice system seems to be, the same teaching now strikes me as self evident.
There is no gurantee about the theology, but here is how I approached it with one of my own children when she reached the difficult age. I asked her to pick a teaching she thought was wrong. She picked contraception. I asked her to tell me why it was wrong. She pointed out that it seemed to be at odds with our teaching on abortion, and noted that overpopulation is related to poverty, another important teaching.
My response was initially that those are all good, thoughtful points. But I then said that the big problem with discussing is that it is wrong to talk about our faith piece meal. Our faith is, in its true form, one coherent whole.
Next, I found something I knew she could accept in her heart. I asked her if her brother, who is severely disabled, deserved to live (he adores her, and she him). “Of Course!” But he can’t really care for himself, if someone does not feed him, wash him, help him, he would die - what if we die, should other people do those things for him? “Of Course!”
OK, where is the line, when is it our place to decide who is no longer worth the effort? “I don’t know”. Fine, we believe that it is not our place to judge. Life is a precious gift from God. So no matter who you are, the tiniest child, a disabled person like your brother, or an elderly person in a coma who needs a feeding tube, we should help. It isn’t a bunch of teachings, but one coherent whole from the instant of our creation to our natural death, and every second in between.
“I get that”. Now, what happens if we forget the big picture and start looking closely at one teaching - like abortion to save the life of the mother… Prophetically, this actually came up in her life just a few years later. Anyway, the point we discussed then was that if you take any one teaching out of the larger context, you can usually find cases where you would doubt if it was/is right. This is because we aren’t God, we can’t see all the circumstances, and we can’t know all the possible outcomes. But if you remember the whole, pray to God for guidance, make the best choices you can, and then ask for forgiveness if you still have the slightest doubt, what else can you do? “OK, I see that”.
Now, on to contraception. Let’s look at HUMANAE VITAE …- and we read the four predictions together. Are these all silly? Has any of this come true? “Maybe”. OK, do you think that it is proper to look at this teaching as say, a condom, or a birth control pill, or is it more correct to think of the sort of society that the Pope is saying those things represent?
Finally I told her, look, sometimes even the big picture won’t make sense, but that does not mean that it is wrong. Some teachings have taken a long time to be accepted by the laity as truth (again, somewhat prophetically, she later studied the Church’s long war against infanticide among the converted gentiles).
Again, I can’t vouch for the theology, but it seemed to resonate with her.
Good Luck
Growing up as a Catholic in the US, it is easy to think of Rome as something detached and not terribly relevant. Certainly I did. But in hindsight, teachings that I did not give much credence to often start to look very relevant over time.
For example, I was initially very skeptical about the absolute nature of our ban on abortions. After all, the tradition of abortions to save the life of a mother goes back to Christ. But the church chose to weigh in on the issue just as western eugenics began. It grew hugely popular in the US over 30 years, and might be popular still had it not been exposed as the attrocity it is via the Holocaust.
Similiarly, I did not understand, in the context of all the problems in the world, the Second Vatican Council was seemingly so concerned with fetal life. But that was also the beginning of vaccines grown human diploid cells harvested from the aborted. Futurists were already talking about organ harvesting.
I was also not terribly impressed with Pope John Paul II’s arguments about the death penalty. After all, we are talking about bad, evil people who have obviously done great harm. But I reluctantly obeyed. Now, with DNA science showing just how broken that aspect of our justice system seems to be, the same teaching now strikes me as self evident.
There is no gurantee about the theology, but here is how I approached it with one of my own children when she reached the difficult age. I asked her to pick a teaching she thought was wrong. She picked contraception. I asked her to tell me why it was wrong. She pointed out that it seemed to be at odds with our teaching on abortion, and noted that overpopulation is related to poverty, another important teaching.
My response was initially that those are all good, thoughtful points. But I then said that the big problem with discussing is that it is wrong to talk about our faith piece meal. Our faith is, in its true form, one coherent whole.
Next, I found something I knew she could accept in her heart. I asked her if her brother, who is severely disabled, deserved to live (he adores her, and she him). “Of Course!” But he can’t really care for himself, if someone does not feed him, wash him, help him, he would die - what if we die, should other people do those things for him? “Of Course!”
OK, where is the line, when is it our place to decide who is no longer worth the effort? “I don’t know”. Fine, we believe that it is not our place to judge. Life is a precious gift from God. So no matter who you are, the tiniest child, a disabled person like your brother, or an elderly person in a coma who needs a feeding tube, we should help. It isn’t a bunch of teachings, but one coherent whole from the instant of our creation to our natural death, and every second in between.
“I get that”. Now, what happens if we forget the big picture and start looking closely at one teaching - like abortion to save the life of the mother… Prophetically, this actually came up in her life just a few years later. Anyway, the point we discussed then was that if you take any one teaching out of the larger context, you can usually find cases where you would doubt if it was/is right. This is because we aren’t God, we can’t see all the circumstances, and we can’t know all the possible outcomes. But if you remember the whole, pray to God for guidance, make the best choices you can, and then ask for forgiveness if you still have the slightest doubt, what else can you do? “OK, I see that”.
Now, on to contraception. Let’s look at HUMANAE VITAE …- and we read the four predictions together. Are these all silly? Has any of this come true? “Maybe”. OK, do you think that it is proper to look at this teaching as say, a condom, or a birth control pill, or is it more correct to think of the sort of society that the Pope is saying those things represent?
Finally I told her, look, sometimes even the big picture won’t make sense, but that does not mean that it is wrong. Some teachings have taken a long time to be accepted by the laity as truth (again, somewhat prophetically, she later studied the Church’s long war against infanticide among the converted gentiles).
Again, I can’t vouch for the theology, but it seemed to resonate with her.
Good Luck