“Both of my children, who are young adults, have some issues with the Church. I tell them that if they can say the Nicene Creed and believe it they should remain in the Church. Am I right about that? If not, is there some other list of ‘must believes’? I postulated the Creed as an essential.”
Hi Pax,
I tried this argument with a Catholic bishop, (I am nominally Anglican, though heretical, and somewhat relapsed) but he disabused me saying that the Nicean Crede was not the be-all and end-all. There was much more, and the Catchism was involved.
“When the early councils met to draw up the essentials of the faith, this is what they came up with. If you believe the Creed you believe the essentials of the faith. Maybe there are other things that should be considered essentials, things that if you cannot profess you should not be Catholic. If so what are they? If its the entire catechism, then I’m afraid around 90% of Catholics aren’t Catholic, including a whole bunch of the religious.”
It seems that the catechism is not in itself the key, but it contains most of the key.
It embodies vital and auxiliary elements. The vital elements MUST be accepted, but the auxiliary elements are open to question.
Open to question means that doubt is allowed, but contrary teaching is not. Contrary teaching is by definition, heresy, and that brings about schism. That is if the contrary teaching is presented as FACT. It may be presented as OPINION.
I’ve never understood why “the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity” was never part of any formal creed.
Here is a little asside:
The Nestorian Church, following ancient teachings, uses leavened bread for the Eucharist, and the leaven is every year, intinked, and mingled with the leaven of the previous year.
This is traced back to the institution of the Eucharist, but reference has to be made to the incident on the road to Emmaus, where Our Lord broke bread for the two travellers. We know from the later reports, that Our Lord’s hands had open wounds, and the act of breaking the bread would have mingled His blood and fragment of his flesh with the Bread. It is this bread that was preserved, and added to the leaven for future years. Thus in truth, if the bread is prepared from mingled leaven, as is the practice of the Nestorians, then the bread is indeed, by enminglement, indeed the body and blood of Our Lord.
TMC, off the top of my head, other “must believes” including the above might be:
• The Immaculate Conception
• Original Sin
If these requirements are de rigeur, then I will remain an outsider. I do not consider, though this is only opinion, that Our Lord was PHYSICALLY any different fron any other NORMAL human being. Thus I doubt the virgin birth of Our Lord, and the perpetual virginity of Our Lady.
Original sin, is a Pauline belief, and is not native to Judaism today, according to Jewish friends I have met on the net, and was not in those days, apart from amongst some minor sects.
As for the ‘Filioque’ clause, I find in its present translation, it is to me unacceptable, for Our Lord always maintained that the Holy Spirit is the PRIMARY essence of the Trinity He allowed that the Father and the Son might be forgivably traduced, but traducement of the Holy Spirit was eternally fatal. So I read, not that ‘The Holy Spirit PROCEEDS from the Father and the Son’ but rather the ‘The Holy Spirit is SEEN through the Father and the Son’, understanding ‘see’ as ‘perceive’ and ‘through’ as ‘by cause of’. I substitute this clause in the crede if I find myself obliged to recite it. To do other would be to lie. That is to tell an untruth as I saw it.
In short, it is not others who will judge whether you can remain a Catholic with your doubts, but it is yourself alone.
If you can concienciously remain in the Church with your doubts, then you are still a Catholic.
If though your doubts drive you to conclude that to remain in the Church would be an act of dishonesty, even after confession, then you have already made your decision.