Why do I clearly not understand? What I have said that contradicts such understanding?Clearly you understand neither ‘infallibility’ nor ‘inerrancy’. I would suggest that you do some looking up and retrieve the Church’s uses of these terms.
Most of your arguments have been sound and civil. This is the old tactic of declaring anyone that disagrees with you as is a liar.And voicing them they are! Opinions and deliberate mischaracterizations however are two different things. And with much of the kefuffle in Corpus and in the Women’s Ordination Conference, deliberate mischaracterization is what we are seeing.
Do you deny that most Catholics disagree with one or more of the following of the Church’s teachings: birth control, divorce, role of women in the Church? If you seriously do I can find some stats for you.Please give evidence that 90% of Catholics aren’t Catholic. Shows us the studies demonstrating this statistic.
Perhaps it is. I have to give you this one. I was on some threads when I first joined this forum that were very uncharitable towards any kind of discussion. I see that is not true everywhere.Who asked that differences be kept to oneself? Is this not a strawman? If Catholics are to understand, then they are to discuss. Discussion is one means to understanding. Obviously discussion involves some disagreement, some differences in understanding. Discussion however does not mean keeping differences to oneself.
Here we cannot agree if by this you mean that only what the Church declares as reasonable is actually reasonable. If my reason, after study and prayer on the issue, conflicts I am bound by concience to follow my reason. To say otherwise is to say that reason has no place in religion, because it is to say that the fruit of reason must be rejected if it conflicts with teaching.It is when folks obstinately hold to error in the face of what reason tells them (because faith cannot be unreasonable) and then teach that error to the vulnerable and innocent that they are asked either to be silent or to leave.
I agree, so I don’t teach. But I do present my opinions. There is a difference.The Church cannot have a person presuming to represent her without the laying on of hands and without the authority while at the same time that person thwarts the teaching of the Church.
Such a person is acting fraudulently.
Again we reach a definitional impasse. They are by definition not heretics because the Church came to their point of view. Galileo, while no Saint, demonstrates that you can be labeled heretic, as he was from 1633 to 1741, and later declared not to be.Were the Saints heretics? I don’t think they were.