How much effort do you put into what you wear to Mass?

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Do you dress up, have “church clothes” or a personal dress code?
It mostly depends on what I’m doing that day, but at the very least I try to wear my veil.
I’m business casual to dresses.
But if I go to daily Mass I’ll wear whatever I’d normally wear for the day… yes that at times will include shorts ( They’re to my knee. I’m middle aged, no short shorts for me) because that’s what I wear in a normal day in the summer and it’s daily, drop what you’re doing and come worship, Mass.
(If I’m at home and able I’d change into slacks or capris but sometimes the Mass bug come over me all of a sudden and then if it’s been at least an hour from breakfast i’ll go. )
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I try to make sure it’s clean and doesn’t have too much cat hair on it. Other than that it’s whatever I would normally wear for the day except I make sure any t-shirt is suitable for church.
For daily mass I wear whatever I’m supposed to be wearing for work that day; so anything from jeans to dress pants/skirts/dresses. On weekends, business casual is the lowest I will go if my dressier clothes aren’t clean, but Sundays are absolutely a “Sunday best” type of day.
I wear the best that I have which is business casual, slacks and a top or a dress.
Sunday mass is always the nicest that I dress in the week. I wear dress shoes, dress pants or khakis, a long sleeve button up “dress shirt”, and a sweater. Throughout the week I wear jeans and a tshirt, flannel, or button up with “skate” shoes for comparison.
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I usually make more effort for Sunday mass, for example I don’t wear jeans on Sunday but for a weekday mass if I am wearing jeans for the day ahead then that’s what I am wearing for mass.

I am recovering from cancer so wear more comfortable and casual clothes than I used too. I also cannot kneel or stand still for very long because of back pain (the cancer was in my spine) so hopefully nobody judges me if I sit rather than kneel at key moments in the liturgy.
Trying to strike a balance between my normal sloppy self, Mass/dressy/hypocritical and reverential, considering Whom we are visiting and offering ourselves to.

Normally, slacks and a long-sleeve shirt and decent shoes, or a sweater over a T-shirt. Due to the fact that I seem to be in some sort of near-death crisis fairly frequently, I have gone in UGGs sweats - except they cost more than dressy clothes!
Normally I wear a short sleeve “uncollared” t-shirt alongside jeans. Though, I plan to start wearing a more formal set to Church in the future.
Usually nice blue jeans (I try not to wear these in Sundays) or black jeans, or slacks on Sundays. In winter usually heavy plain blue or black sweatshirt or occasional sweater. Heavy shirt because I don’t like driving with a winter jacket so I leave it at home. In summer usually a plain blue or black t shirt or short sleeve with collar. Clean, well pressed and comfortable is key. I never wear sneakers in or out of Church. So it’s my usual casual shoes. The only time I wore a suit and tie as an adult (my folks used to make me get dressed up) was the first time I went to TLM . I thought everyone would be well dressed, but it wasn’t much different from the OF Mass. Some well dressed. Others more casual.
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For the most part, I dress the same as throughout the week. I just replace the T-shirt with a polo shirt, but even then, I may still got to Mass in a T-shirt if circumstances keep me from having a polo shirt.
I wear dress pants and a button up shirt. It’s a step up from what I normally wear during the week.
I always wear a dress or skirt/blouse on weekend Masses and Holy Days of Obligation. During weekday Masses, I wear whatever in wearing for the day if I’m not working or my work clothes (I work in the parish office) if it is a workday.

I’d never wear shorts or anything dirty, stained, showing my shoulders or cleavage, etc. I know Jesus accepts us as we are, but I just can’t be super casual about walking into Mass and being in His presence while wearing workout clothes or something I’ve slept in.
I dress clean, modest, casual. Pretty much in that order. And I really love seeing other people who put the effort into wearing their “Sunday best”.
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