Just like I reject yours. So, what now? Of course positing God as “explanation” leads nowhere. The whole argument just collapses into: “God said let there be light… and there was light”. Is that an “explanation”?
At least I give good, logical reasons why I believe it, Solmyr. You’re the person who claims, with increasingly sketchy objections, that the universe “just exists” and throws around strawmen like this zinger – “The whole argument just collapses into: ‘God said let there be light… and there was light’” When did I ever say that? But no, when you can’t answer an objection, like most people you simply buckle down and keep on driving forward, completely incapable of being convince by any argument. I’m truly sorry you aren’t able to see that my argument is a lot more than that pitiful strawman – is a lot deeper and more profound, and I haven’t even laid out half of it. I cannot make you understand what you do not wish to comprehend, however much it saddens me.
Yes, I am aware of the 5 ways or Aquinas, or the 20 ways of Kreeft, and the whole caboodle all the way until someone argues that the beauty of Bach’s music is a proof for God’s existence. (I am not kidding. There are people who suggest this seriously.) All of them are based on unsupported metaphysical assumptions or have not logical fallacy in them. But I will only concentrate of what you quoted from Craig.
Oh really!? How wrong would I be to assume that you’ve never even read those list of arguments you mentioned – just glanced at them when someone gave you a link or perhaps merely picked up the terms from a conversation? Can you even name the arguments listed in them (without cheating and looking it up)? I seriously doubt you can, because if you could you would not accuse them of being full of logical fallacies and unsupported philosophical assumptions.
It’s not so simple as all that, my friend, and if the arguments were that easy to refute, they would have been rejected long ago. How easily you assume you know so much about what you refuse to comprehend! Even the silly argument from music that you mentioned is a half-hearted and poorly phrased attempt to attack an atheist with a very real philosophical problem – the problem of beauty, and whether or not, by the atheist metaphysics, it exists at all. True, that particular argument is articulated stupidly and typically rubbish, but to suggest that such an argument is all that we, on the theistic side, possess merely shows me that those are probably the highest quality of arguments you have ever been exposed to.
This little excerpt shows that Craig in not much of a philosopher.
Once more, you apparently show an un-paralleled genius, a true savant in the making. For now, not only do you understand quantum physics while not being a physicist, you are now qualified to judge the quality of a philosopher based on having read a few quotes from him!
He commits some very fundamental errors.
…said lots of people who completely misinterpreted what the philosopher was saying and then went on to make some actual fundamental errors of their own.
First he disregards the fact that quantitative changes frequently result in qualitatively significant results. (A pile of U235 may be inert, but making the pile twice as large will result in a huge explosion.)
Oh look, a fundamental error!
I’m sorry to say that you completely missed the point. The quantity of matter in an atomic reaction matters – I’m studying chemistry and I do think I at least grasped
that. But is it irrelevant to the question we are asking, which is whether it could be *any different *than it currently is (whether it is contingent or not). Why is your self-explaining universe mysteriously only self-explanatory in those portions of it that you have a sketchy understanding of? The ball on the ground is not an explanation for itself, or the water molecule an explanation for itself, but the mysterious parts of the universe you don’t really know much about – those things do explain themselves, obviously, and people who disagree just don’t understand the universe. Forgive my skepticism, but I think you can see why I don’t believe you.
You overlooked the disclaimer. There is no reason to assume that the quarks, or leptons or atoms… COULD be different from what they are. Empty speculations are just that… empty.
Based on all prior data (namely, everything else in the universe), we have no reason to assume that they have to be the way they are, so the burden of proof lies firmly on your end.
Secondly, what, then, do you propose of the cosmologists who suggest that there may be infinitely many universes, all with different fundamental constants (and hence, particles) – are they misinformed about the possibility of there being other particles and universes?