This doesn’t help me. Does anyone else find it illuminating?
It is not illuminating for me. It is just an attempt to create a “definition” which says: “this entity exists”, as if it would be possible to create something
by defining it into existence.
A (not very) hypothetical conversation:
Skeptic: “Can you prove that God exists”?
Apologist: “God exists by definition! It is the fundamental property of God, that he exists! God exists necessarily. It is impossible for God NOT to exist”.
Skeptic: “Is this your proof?”
Apologist: “Don’t you understand? If God did not exist, he would not be God, would he?”
Skeptic presents arguments against God.
Apologist: “But those arguments are just a caricature of God. I don’t believe in YOUR distorted version of God either”.
Skeptic baffled.
Apologist adds: “Of course you don’t even understand what I said. Read X, Y, Z’s books and blogs (several hundred pages each) and then you will understand what I am talking about”.
Skeptic: offers a conversation, where the apologist can use his OWN words.
Apologist: “Bah, I am not going to waste time on you!” and walks away indignantly.
And then the apologist is surprised that he is not taken seriously any more.
It suggests that God is ‘existence’ itself. But the concept of ‘God’ carries with it a load of other connotations. The two concepts are simply not synonymous. It certainly does nothing to shed any light on God’s purported omnipotence or omniscience, as far as I can see. It sounds like a deepity to me.
I would like to see a
rigorous definition of these omnimax attributes.
It is also funny that the apologist keeps flip-flopping between the “god” of philosophers and the “God” of Christianity - as if they would be interchangable.