How should we address people who identify as transgender?

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In business, I would tell the person my first name and ask them what their first name is. Then I would refer the client to someone who was more comfortable with this.
hu, try to think in the abstract here, ok?

The concept is this: people should be treated the way they identify. If they identify as [fill in the blank], then then that’s how I will view them.

Do you agree with the above or not?
Uh try to listen I am not answering to the theme here I am speaking only of this particular case. Understand?
Uh try to listen I am not answering to the theme here I am speaking only of this particular case. Understand?
Can you please speak to the general concept?

Do you believe that people should be addressed/treated/viewed as they identify?
You are aware, yes, that just a few decades ago that transgender and homosexuality were also considered “mental illness and perversion”.

So, yes it’s the same.
Because the APA buckled to political pressure and so changed the designation. This is not to minimize the struggle and pain of such persons. I have mental illnesses of my own - for example agoraphobia. I am not going to get out on the highway and drive 70 mph when I know it’d bring on a panic attack and I might do something stupid and hurt myself or other people on the road. I deal realistically with my issues. And though of course I don’t like to be “mentally ill” anymore than the next person, I accept that we all have a cross to bear.

Instead of reinforcing the unreality, we should be looking deeper into whether the transgender feelings and brain differences might be being caused by something that could be addressed medically. Even if no such cause is found, at least we will have not neglected to investigate. :twocents:
Because the APA buckled to political pressure and so changed the designation. This is not to minimize the struggle and pain of such persons. I have mental illnesses of my own - for example agoraphobia. I am not going to get out on the highway and drive 70 mph when I know it’d bring on a panic attack and I might do something stupid and hurt myself or other people on the road. I deal realistically with my issues. And though of course I don’t like to be “mentally ill” anymore than the next person, I accept that we all have a cross to bear.

Instead of reinforcing the unreality, we should be looking deeper into whether the transgender feelings and brain differences might be being caused by something that could be addressed medically. Even if no such cause is found, at least we will have not neglected to investigate. :twocents:
Can you please speak to the general concept?

Do you believe that people should be addressed/treated/viewed as they identify?
You are not listening - someone posted the picture and asked for our thoughts - maybe you should tell them to keep to the subject matter I was simply giving my thoughts on their post and you get all high and mighty and try to generalize it to the theme and twist my words - which I was not commenting on - understand.

As I said I WAS ONLY COMMENTING ON THE ONE CASE - have that persons post removed who posted the picture and the thread will go back to the subject matter
You are not listening - someone posted the picture and asked for our thoughts - maybe you should tell them to keep to the subject matter I was simply giving my thoughts on their post and you get all high and mighty and try to generalize it to the theme and twist my words - which I was not commenting on - understand.

As I said I WAS ONLY COMMENTING ON THE ONE CASE - have that persons post removed who posted the picture and the thread will go back to the subject matter
I understand that you were only commenting on the one case, friend.

Now, I am asking you to move on and answer this question: Do you believe that people should be addressed/treated/viewed as they identify?
You are not listening - someone posted the picture and asked for our thoughts - maybe you should tell them to keep to the subject matter I was simply giving my thoughts on their post and you get all high and mighty and try to generalize it to the theme and twist my words - which I was not commenting on - understand.
Careful, hu.

There is no need to make ad hominems here. That isn’t actually permitted, so I suggest you take it down a notch.

It’s good for you to be here and think about questions you clearly haven’t considered.

If you have a point of view it should be defensible and able to stand up to scrutiny.

Otherwise, you probably should be changing your opinion on something if you can’t answer questions as to why you hold that belief.
As I said I WAS ONLY COMMENTING ON THE ONE CASE - have that persons post removed who posted the picture and the thread will go back to the subject matter
This IS on the subject matter. It speaks to the general concept: how do we treat people who identify as something everyone else sees they aren’t.
Ok the person in the picture is sane and represents the transgender community.
Now, I am asking you to move on and answer this question: Do you believe that people should be addressed/treated/viewed as they identify?
What if someone wants to change their name and be identified with a new name? For example, would it acceptable for someone to change their name from John Smith to Roger Thompson because they hate the name John Smith that they were given at birth?
What if someone wants to change their name and be identified with a new name? For example, would it acceptable for someone to change their name from John Smith to Roger Thompson because they hate the name John Smith that they were given at birth?
Sure. If that’s who he is, that’s who he is.

Now, what’s your opinion of the transgender man who identifies as a 6 yr old?

Would you talk to this man as if he were a woman?
What about as if he were a 6 yr old?
Ok the person in the picture is sane and represents the transgender community.
Please note that if your position cannot stand up to scrutiny, perhaps you need to re-examine what it is you are defending.

You seem to be defending one position: “If that’s how a person sees herself, then that’s who she really is”

And perhaps that’s true. I see myself as a mom…and I really am a mom.

But you’re also asserting, “If that’s how a person sees herself, then she’s got some mental health issues that need to be addressed.”

And that’s true, too, possibly.

My question, then, is: why is transgender not a mental health issue but thinking you’re a 6 yr old when you’re actually 52 years old is?

Please defend your position, hu.
Also, I am curious what your thoughts are regarding the transabled?

They are folks who identify as being disabled even though they are actually fully functioning adults.

Do you have a consistent paradigm in regard to these folks, as you do to transgendered folks?

This is Chloe Jennings White, who is fully “abled” but identifies as disabled:

And this is Jewel Shuping, who had normal vision, but identified as blind, and underwent a procedure (not unlike Bruce Jenner), to make her be the way she felt she actually was:
In the first example, I guess it all depends on whether such a person can use the “I identify as disabled” defense to get out of a parking ticket for parking in a space reserved by disabled people, or if they can successfully apply for a disabled plate or placard.
Yeah, my son put that joke on some of his college applications. They all asked what he identified as and how he wanted to be addressed. Will be interesting to see if those colleges accept him (he’s received an early acceptance letter from his first choice school, but he didn’t identify as an attack helicopter on that one…)
Was one of the schools West Point? 😃
I just refer to a person by the name they call themselves or something close to it (I’m getting old and sort of forgetful). I’d take a stab at the pronoun independently and use whichever one I think fits, according to me. If they want to correct me, I’d just say, “Oh” and continue on using whatever strikes me as correct.

I like the old saying about calling me anything you want, but don’t call me late for dinner.
You run into a problem if the person’s name is “Pat”, who used to date “Chris”, until “Chris” broke up with “Pat” to date “Sandy” (for those who are familiar with the SNL skit from the 90’s)…

(when I got my kitten, I actually did name it “Sandy” partially because it could be used for both genders)
The man in question is no more a 6 year old girl then they are a woman.
Yet society would have us believe that denying reality in one way is healthy and the other is mentally ill.
Yet they both are denials of reality.

Denial of reality is not sane.
Denial of reality is not sane.
Exactly. The reality of the transgender person’s plight is something out of kilter in the brain, possibly in the endocrine system as well, depending on the individual. Why not slow down, stop rushing into efforts to alter the external package (and force society to participate in the folie a deux), and address the mismatch of perception vs. reality at the root?

Otherwise you open the door to things like this middle aged delusional man wanting to be addressed and regarded as something he is not, or the able bodied person thinking she should be allowed to mutilate her body to satisfy whatever brain quirk tells her she’s really handicapped. My mother slowly went blind the last years of her life and there was nothing that could be done. It’s hard to watch someone like this deliberately throw away the gift of eyesight. 😦 There has to be some common sense answer that we’re not getting to in our rush to placate these folks ’ suffering by taking the wrong approach.
one f the biggest problems with this entire argument, is people who see Bodys, instead of Souls.

I am not my body. I Have a body. I Am a soul.
attributes all over the place…

In this sin filled, messed up world, can you not conceive that chemicals, unnatural stresses, abuses, and other violence has interfered with God’s Plan for the Person who Should have been, if the world was, as the prayer goes:

Our Father who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

Treat people with the Respect Christ taught. Many of these people may have been intended to have Vocations within the Church, but look at what a mess That has become, with Catholic’s rebelling against The Pope, Evangelical Churches all over the place, playing secret satans, twisting the Word to suit their own agendas.

The world is waking up. God is Real, and Christ is Coming Home.

People need to stop leaning into their Own knowledge, and lean into God’s.

The sooner we start paying attention to the things that Matter, First, the sick, the suffering, the homeless, child abuse, hunger, prisoners even… the sooner we can get back to healing the wounds left behind by Sin leaving the world, for Good.

Kyrie Eleison


The Maverick Jesuit

P.S. Yes, this is the Age of The Apocalypse. Get on board, the train is leaving soon =P

P.S.S. Apocalypse, Greek meaning, not Armageddon, rocks falling. This place was looking like hell, before… Looks like Purgatory to me now, but we have a ways to go.
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