Ok, this is my first post, so here we go…
I voted Formal because that’s what most closely matches what i wear (long sleeve shirt, dress pants, and tie). However, i think the poll is missing a choice, and that is your very best. No matter who you are, you should wear the very best that you have. There is very little reason not too. If it’s hot, and even if your church does not have AC, think about this: YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR SUFFERED AND DIED FOR YOU ON THE CROSS!!! I think wearing nice though maybe uncomfortable clothes is the least you can do. As for other excuses, like doing something before or after, it’s not that hard to change. If you can’t, then thats understandable. I realize that there are going to be exceptions, and I’m not blasting anybody. I know that no one is perfect, and that includes me.
As for being too showy, a few good points have already been made. It should not draw attention away from the Mass. However, let me make a distinction about being showy: This does not in anyway mean that you should “dress down” to match the rest of your parish. You should set an example to everyone else by wearing your very best. If they are distracted by your wearing of nice clothes, then they are too easily distracted. What showy does mean is that of course dress should be modest. It should not show too much skin It also mean thats it should not be too “flashy”, i.e. if a guy can wear a suit, it shouldn’t be hot pink or have other extravagant color schemes.
The key to remember is to just wear the very best to have. I don’t mean to offend anyone, but feel free to debate with me about anything. Thank you for your time.
P.S. This whole topic brings up an interesting question: Should dress for daily Mass be any different from dress for Sunday mass? You could also include differences for for special occasion masses (holy days, marriages, retreats, etc.) other than colors.