On a Catholic homeschooling loop to which I belong, another mom told of her parish. They actually have wrap-around skirts (and shawls, i think) that the lady greeters hand to the women who enter who are not modestly dressed (shorts/skirts too revealing, tank tops, etc). They are simply handed the garments and directed to the ladies room. I wish more parishes were even half that concerned about immodest dress. I applaud general statements of “proper” dress that priests either verbally state or post in the bulletins.
I personally wear skirts/dresses/dress slacks. I also make sure that my children are not walking billboards. We wear clothes without advertising because I believe that is bringing an idol into church. I am in my 30’s and I am in general very casual, so by no means am an “old fuddy-duddy.”
I have seen others actually wearing Budwiser t-shirts, cut off shirts and flip flops and I was appalled! The other day, a teenage girl was in front of us wearing tight, thin low-riding white pants and, if that weren’t bad enough - she had a dark THONG on underneath! That left nothing to the imagination and shame on her family for permitting her to leave her house like that, much less to enter a house of worship!!!
We have a moral responsibility to model correct behaviour to others. If, for nothing else, to minimize distraction to others while attending Mass.
I personally wear skirts/dresses/dress slacks. I also make sure that my children are not walking billboards. We wear clothes without advertising because I believe that is bringing an idol into church. I am in my 30’s and I am in general very casual, so by no means am an “old fuddy-duddy.”
I have seen others actually wearing Budwiser t-shirts, cut off shirts and flip flops and I was appalled! The other day, a teenage girl was in front of us wearing tight, thin low-riding white pants and, if that weren’t bad enough - she had a dark THONG on underneath! That left nothing to the imagination and shame on her family for permitting her to leave her house like that, much less to enter a house of worship!!!
We have a moral responsibility to model correct behaviour to others. If, for nothing else, to minimize distraction to others while attending Mass.