Yes, you can blame it on Vat. II. The phrase, “Lex orandi, lex credendi” has been around forever. This means, “The law of prayer is the law of belief.” If the Mass has prayers and practices that do not reflect sound doctrine, then it is the Mass’s fault that there is lack of belief. It, of course, is not the Mass’s fault itself but those who invented this Mass. Why is it that if you asked ANY Catholic 50 years ago whether or not it is a sacrilege to receive in the hand (other than clergy), they would all say absolutely yes, whereas, today you would have to look long and hard to find someone who would say this. Did the BELIEF here change? The Church CANNOT change beliefs. We cannot say that there is no longer any Real Presence. Therefore, since there is the Real Presence, why is it not longer a mortal sin to receive in the hand, as it would have been called 50 years ago?? God bless.