How Should We Dress For Mass?

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Yes, you can blame it on Vat. II. The phrase, “Lex orandi, lex credendi” has been around forever. This means, “The law of prayer is the law of belief.” If the Mass has prayers and practices that do not reflect sound doctrine, then it is the Mass’s fault that there is lack of belief. It, of course, is not the Mass’s fault itself but those who invented this Mass. Why is it that if you asked ANY Catholic 50 years ago whether or not it is a sacrilege to receive in the hand (other than clergy), they would all say absolutely yes, whereas, today you would have to look long and hard to find someone who would say this. Did the BELIEF here change? The Church CANNOT change beliefs. We cannot say that there is no longer any Real Presence. Therefore, since there is the Real Presence, why is it not longer a mortal sin to receive in the hand, as it would have been called 50 years ago?? God bless.
Why is it that if you asked ANY Catholic 50 years ago whether or not it is a sacrilege to receive in the hand (other than clergy), they would all say absolutely yes, whereas, today you would have to look long and hard to find someone who would say this.
I would imagine if you asked ANY Catholic 2000 years ago whether or not is is a sacrilege to receive in the hand (other than clergy), they would all say absolutely no.

My point is that this discipline has changed over time. I agree the belief has not changed. Maybe the old discipline (not the original one) helped some of us poor Catholics keep our focus better than the new, but that is a problem with our strength of faith, not the Mass.
You should read How Christ Said the First Mass. That will basically exlain most of the problems with the New Mass: it is not at all how Christ said His Mass nor how the Mass ought to be. God bless.
General Reminder:

This thread is about how we should dress for Mass. Standard Roman rite versus indult Tridentine rite debates should take place in their own threads. Let’s please return to the subject at hand. Thanks!
Therese Martin said:
General Reminder:

This thread is about how we should dress for Mass. Standard Roman rite versus indult Tridentine rite debates should take place in their own threads. Let’s please return to the subject at hand. Thanks!

You’re right Ms. Moderatrix. Mea culpa.

And speaking of threads, if there had been khakis and golf shirts in AD30, Christ would probably have worn them. They are cool in hot weather, easy to care for on the road and they look good with sandals 😃 (just trying to lighten the mood, you know…)
I wear a polo shirt and suit pants. I rather dislike both, but it is dress-up. T-shirts are well, they arent dress-up. I wear them about all of the rest of the time when Im not at Mass. But yeah, if I had only a tanktop and cut off shorts and there was no way I could get other clothing in time for an obligatory Mass, then I would be obliged to go to Mass not properly dressed. But I dont imagine that happening too easily. To deliberately fail to provide Mass clothes for myself would be inexcusable. And the weather does have a bit to do too. Short sleeves and modest shorts in hot areas are OK I guess, but I never have had trouble with pants in summer.
Are your all churches not air conditioned? Do you have to walk to church? I really don’t understand the ‘hot weather’ argument for shorts in church. I’m not trying to pick on anyone but I honestly am confused about this one. :confused: I drive in an air conditioned car and walk a short distance to an air conditioned church. I live in the hot humid south and I never felt the need to wear shorts to church… :confused: :confused: :confused:

dream wanderer
I found it very distracting to be seated two pews behind a shapely teen girl who was wearing jeans so low cut that her t-top did not quite cover the dimples of her bottom, and to see the young man in front of me slightly to the left watching her butt everytime she took a breath did not help matters.
I ended up moving so I was not distracted by them, but it still was something that I complained to the priest about. He gave a sermon on modesty in dress and actually used a description of the clothing I’d told him about of what not to wear to church. His words “Church is not the time to be sexy, save it for your wedding night.”
We are also nearer to another church than to the one we attend. The one we won’t ever attend ever again, is set up like a dinner theatre in the round atmosphere, with people moving their chairs and talking throughout the entire Mass. It was far too much for me. I told my husband that seeing a girl in skimpy clothing file her nails, apply makeup and comb her hair before going to communion was not my idea of going to church. The priest said “We are a charismatic church…” Since when is being " a charismatic church" an excuse for turning a sanctuary into one giant yak-fest where what happens at the altar has every appearance of being secondary to the socializing?
Recently, a book came out about clothing available to girls these days and there was also a newspaper article on a young girl who began asking clothiers to supply girls with clothing which isn’t so exposing.
By the way guys and gals, I am NOT, I repeat NOT Protestant! I was baptized Catholic. Raised Atheist. Later became Diest. At age of 30 became non-denom Christian. Seeing errors in the bible study of said non-denom church, I returned, three months later returned to the Novus Ordo Catholic Church. I then explored traditionalism and got lots of catechism lessons one-on-one with an SSPX priest. Learning SSPX was in schism, I left and returned to Novus Ordo to infiltrate the modern church with traditional ideas. And now, I am sitting here chatting with you fine people!

You say my arguments regarding sin are Prostestant. Well, actually, my arguments are Catholic, Old School. The Protestants borrowed these arguments from the One True Holy Catholic Church. There are lots of so-called “Protestant” ideas that are actually Catholic. For instance, the idea that The Bible is the Word of God is NOT Protestant. It is Catholic. I have an old 1949 edition of the Baltimore 3 Catechism which states this idea plain as day. Anyway … back to the subject at hand …

Here’s some comments from the Saints relating to the issue of immodesty/temptation/mortification:

There is no doubt but that the person who lives without mortifying himself is someone who will never succeed in saving his soul.
*-- *St. John Vianney

In the first place, the eyes must be mortified. We must abstain from looking at any object that may give occasion to temptation.
- St. Alphonsus Liguori

Oh, btw. EENS … you SO totally ROCK dude!!! (or dudette?) Yeah! Go Tradition!!

(Yes, I once tried out for cheerleading back in my heathen days. Didn’t make it though. LOL!)
We know you’re not Protestant…and we know where the Bible came from. 🙂

We’re not really talking about the message…we’re talking about your method. Its not your arguments about sin …its your PRESENTATION of that argument that is like a lot of the tactics Protestants some of us have come across…and for some people like me that is all I have ever known.

dream wanderer
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