How Should We Dress For Mass?

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While I don’t necessarily believe that we need to come fully decked out in suits and frilly dresses, I do think that people need to look nice when attending mass. The dress code seems to be alot worse in more affluent/newer parishes than in the older ones. And in the Latin Mass, you’re almost underdressed if you wear a plain golf shirt!
SJP in Texas:
We should offer the best we have to God, so long as we do not do so in a manner that draws undue attention to us and distracts others. For example, I think hats are lovely and appropriate for ladies, but I don’t live in a place where this is customary. If I dressed in a frilly suit and wore a hat, it might distract others.
Think less of distracting and more of your own disposition. They will get used to it and think less of it as time goes on. You might even start a trend.
I cannot imagine dressing poorly if we were meeting our mayor. For the life of me, I can’t understand dressing the way I see many do when going to meet Our Lord.

For what it’s worth, parents shape their children’s future attitudes toward the Church. Allowing teens to go to Mass with bare skin, way too short skirts or with underwear showing teaches that Mass isn’t a big deal.
When we are in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament, we are in the presence of the King of Kings, the Lord of the Universe, and we should dress and conduct ourselves accordingly.

To dress immodestly AT ANY TIME is a sin of impurity, and sins of impurity are MORTAL SINS. The bible says that men are to dress like men, and women are to dress like women. So ladies, if you goto Mass in hip huggers and a tank top, you should goto confession and repent, lest you recieve the Eucharist unworthily. If you recieve in Mortal sin, you commit a grave sin called Sacrilege. And guys, if you attend Mass in shorts, you commit the same sin.

As such, this is how I dress in church:

I wear dresses or skirts. The length of the skirt is at least 8 inches below my knee when I am standing. Be wary of slits in the dresses. A high slit is also immodest.

I wear a mantilla or hat. Hair is sexy. It should be covered during Mass.

Bare arms are also sexy. I wear long sleeves, or a cardigan to cover them, even if it’s over a hundred degrees in the church. I offer my suffering to God at such times.

I take care not to wear tops that are low-cut.

I am offended at other people dressing in jeans, shorts, hip huggers, tight tops, short sleeves, and sleeveless tops. This is inappropriate attire in the presence of the King of Kings.

It’s gotten so bad that our teenagers are coming to church looking like prostitutes. I saw a girl coming out of Mass last week wearing a short, tight, white see-thru top, low hip huggers, and beneath it all for everyone to see was a black piece of lingerie. I don’t know the name, but it was a thong on the bottom and a bra on the top. The top of her thong was showing from the back and front, and her butt was hanging halfway out of her pants. If I had kids, I’d NEVER let them come to church looking like that!

I may sound like an old fuddy-duddy, but I am not. I am 33 years old, and I am a health professional in the community. I attend a Novus Ordo Parish, too.

And the priests say nothing. They should speak out! St. Padre Pio used to deny Holy Communion to men and women who were dressed immodestly. He said that men are to wear nice slacks and a tie, and are to cover their hair, and wear dresses that were at least 8 inches below the knee. If he were alive today, I fear that he’d cane many of us! And rightly so. For that matter, if Our Lord were to return today, he’d cane many of us, too … in the same manner that he turned over the tables of the money changers in the old Jewish Temple.

I feel that Holy Communion should be denied to people who are dressed inappropriately, for such people are in a state of Mortal Sin. People who dress immodestly risk Hell. Why do it then? Is being sexy that important that you’d risk your soul???

My two cents.
while I agree that hip huggers and anything see through is plain wrong I’m still not going to cast stones, instead I’m going to watch how I dress and maybe that will rub off on those around me.
I really don’t notice those around me in church, I keep my mind on God and when not dealing with my children I close my eyes and listen and pray or I look straight ahead at the readers and priest, I refuse to be distracted by those around me, I may notice if when leaving church but it certainly does not take away from church for me. I hate dresses, hate them and I wear them as little as possible so its dress pants and a short sleeved shirts for me and sometimes shorts that are dressy and actually look like a skirt, in winter its dress pants and sweaters or long sleeved shirt and sometimes jeans if they were just bought and look close to pants and I really could care less what those around me think, if anyone ever actually came up to me and commented on what I was wearing I’d tell them to mind their own bees wax as I really would be irked if someone said that as I would never do that to someone. 👍
**I have two daughters both now married but before they went to Mass every Sunday as high schoolers, they both received a final check of clothing from us - the parents. Once they were in college (or on their own), I’m sure they probably wore jeans but I was glad that they continued to attend Mass. I cannot understand why some parents allow their children to dress as if they just got out of bed or show their skin at the waist. Sometimes I get upset at some of the revealing clothing but then I think that at least they are here at church attending and participating. I voted for khakis/turtlenecks/some casual depending on the season. Here in Texas, it is way too hot to go formal. Parents need to keep check and explain to their children why there is the need to dress up to see Jesus. **
I personally think one should dress in a way that makes him feel good about himself–really good. If the dress, whether sloppy, slothful, immodest, or excessively attractive, flashy, or distractingly fashionable, calls too much attention to oneself, then it is a distraction to all. So, my vote is “natural, comfortable for the climate, and permitting one’s attention to be directed at the Holy Sacrifice.”

Curiously, in Santa Fe, the Episcopal congregation dress soberly and uniformly well. The Catholics present themselves very often in dress that is immodest even on the street. I can’t figure it out?!
I guess what your really need to ask yourself is this: Is it YOUR will be done, or THINE will be done?

You girls may prefer dressing like a man and wearing slacks, but I can assure you that God doesn’t like it. Read through the Church-approved messages of Fatima, and check out the Fatima Modesty Dress code given to us by The Blessed Mother. It is clear that God is extremely unhappy with the way we present ourselves in His presence.

I don’t like wearing dresses either. I prefer wearing pants. But for me it’s THINE will be done. I obey whether I like it or not. I even wear dresses outside Mass. I never wear shorts anymore because it’s immodest. I occasionally wear pants, but the pants I wear are scrubs (work uniform). I own one pair of jeans just in case I should decide to go hiking (to avoid getting ticks all over me). Beyond that, I dress modestly ALL the time, and I wear dresses ALL the time. I don’t like it, but God does. That’s just me though.

I guess you can do what makes you feel good. By chosing your own will over the Will of God, you imitate the actions of the fallen angel, and you’ve chosen Satan as your Master, not Jesus.

I take care not to judge other people. However I DO NOT subscrbe to the “personal liberty principle” this lasse faire approach to religion. As such, I am obligated to correct someone when they’re doing wrong. Dressing immodestly is wrong. Correcting someone when they’re doing wrong is not the same as judgement.

The “Jesus inside me” is offended at seeing skin at Mass! Look at the example of Jesus. He caned people in the temple for selling things in a Holy Place. Just think what he would do if he came down today! In the days of the old testament, the Holy of Holies was off limits to the common man. Only priests had access. Jesus changed that. He gave us great graces by renting the veil. And how do we repay him! By dressing like bums and prostitutes at Mass. How disrespectful. How unloving. How lukewarm. How sad. We have direct access to the Holy of Holies, and just look how we are treating Our Lord. How dare we dress immodestly in His presence!!!

We should be ashamed of ourselves.

My advice would be to dress like a lady, and dress like a gentleman. Is that so hard? Is it so much of a sacrfice? Come on, people. Get it together.
Here’s my first post…I have found myself reflecting on this topic frequently…to the point of distraction? Some times I’m concerned with what I’m wearing by comparing my clothing to others at Mass. The thing is: I don’t know their story as they don’t know mine. I do the best I can. I’ve never wanted ‘how I look’ to become a spectator-sport during a time and at a place, where it is never appropriate. I really don’t think I am any more or less holy and sanctified, if I wear a suit and tie or if I have my best shirt and shorts. I am there to worship with my church community and I approach this practice with dignity and respect. I know where I am and act/dress appropriately.

‘Being happy doesn’t mean everything’s perfect. It means you’ve decided to see beyond the imperfections!’
Sigh. Here we go again.

And, is the Latin supposed to give your remarks some validity that they wouldn’t have otherwise?
Dear Melman, I offer this only for your information.

Jaybird’s Latin remark was only this:

“Pax domini set semper vobiscum”

That means “Peace be with you and always with you.”
Sigh. Here we go again.

And, is the Latin supposed to give your remarks some validity that they wouldn’t have otherwise?
Sigh. When Jaybird said:

Pax Domini sit semper vobis cum (which means “Peace be with you and also with you”), Jaybird was offering the Sign of Peace to you.

Hope this helps.

I’m sort of racking my brains in shock at some of your excuses for dressing like slobs during Mass. Then, I thought maybe the problem is deeper than it seems. Perhaps you dress improperly because you don’t believe in the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. If one believes the consecrated host is simply a piece of bread, then I can understand why you’d come dressed casually, or for that matter, show up in a bathing suit.

But if you truly believe, as I do, that the consecrated Host IS Jesus Christ, then your behavior in the way you act during Mass and the way you present yourself will reflect your beliefs.

So, if you DO believe in the Real Presence, I’ll pose you all a question to ponder and meditate upon: If you were invited to a state dinner, where you’d meet the President of the United States, how would you dress? Would you come in shorts? Men, would you wear a suit and tie, or a polo shirt. Ladies, would you show up in jeans and a tank top? Or would you wear a nice dress? I think all of us here would probably dress in a semi-formal fashion, correct?

So if you’d present yourself to the President of the United States in a semi-formal fashion, then ask yourself this question? Do you respect the President of the United States more than you respect Jesus Christ? Do you hold the US President in greater honor than Our Lord in the Eucharist? Think about it. Would give a man, the US President, greater glory than God?

Next time you goto Mass, dress according to how much honor and respect you feel is due to the President of the Universe, Jesus Christ.
In the end it is up to the person and its between that person and God. Yes, I would like to see everyone dress nicely at mass but nice to one person’s eyes and nice to another person’s eyes can be two different things. I’m much more concerned about getting people to come and then just set an example for them, they will either follow or not but people will never change because they are told they are wrong, slobby, etc. that only gets people heated up.
At Mass this morning for the first time because of this topic on this board, I really looked around and took and long, hard, look at what people were wearing. I saw people in dresses and slacks, skirts and shorts, shoes and sandals, jeans and t-shirts.
I found myself thinking of this board and started judging people in my mind (shame on you and you for wearing shorts and jeans) and I didn’t like it, not one bit, it brought out something in me like snobbiness, these people were not showing too much skin and they were very clean, Father was very glad all were their and said this is what he likes to see “a full house” nope, I’ll leave the judging up to God, I’ll dress my family in whatever I want as long as it doesn’t show too much skin and its clean and spotless and we are ready to come and praise the Lord and if I meet the president I’ll dress the same way because for me to dress in some fancy dress would not be me, I hate dresses so I would be putting on a fake act and I don’t like that in people, I am what I am, slacks, jeans, kahkis, shorts, clean. When I’m at mass I’m focusing on the mass and on my kids, I had a woman with a child in front of us today and after mass she said (I hope my daughter didn’t bother you too much with her antics) I had hardly rememberd that there was a kid in front of me, I don’t pay attention to those things and I don’t remeber what people wear to mass until today when I made myself take a look, if you have time to notice what so and so was wearing then your not focusing your mind on where it needs to be and if you get distracted by peoples clothing too easily then sit in the front pew and don’t turn around 👍
At Mass this morning for the first time because of this topic on this board … I found myself thinking of this board and started judging people in my mind … nope, I’ll leave the judging up to God.
Oh good, I’m not the only one. The “holier than thou” discussions are distracting my attention too. I’m looking to see how many people are bowing before receiving communion. Who’s genuflecting and who’s not. Is that woman actually “daring” to bare her arms? Shame, shame.

The extremism here is not healthy. Someone wears shorts, so we must jump to questioning their belief in the Real Presence? That’s pretty presumptuous. The other arguments don’t hold up either… “How would you dress for the President” is ludicrous; the President hasn’t already counted the hairs on my head, the President doesn’t know me better than I know myself. I think God sees me for more than a suit and tie or lack of same. And the “people attend Mass in bathing suits” argument fails on its premise. People simply don’t do this, at least not in numbers big enough to make sweeping pronouncements about bare arms and floor-length skirts.

So to Grape and others - think before you speak. It is most definitely NOT “clear that God is extremely unhappy with the way we present ourselves”. Shorts are not immoral, you may choose not to wear them (at all?) but don’t denigrate others. Be “shocked” if you want, but don’t distract others from their Faith.
Oh good, I’m not the only one. The “holier than thou” discussions are distracting my attention too. I’m looking to see how many people are bowing before receiving communion. Who’s genuflecting and who’s not. Is that woman actually “daring” to bare her arms? Shame, shame.

The extremism here is not healthy. Someone wears shorts, so we must jump to questioning their belief in the Real Presence? That’s pretty presumptuous. The other arguments don’t hold up either… “How would you dress for the President” is ludicrous; the President hasn’t already counted the hairs on my head, the President doesn’t know me better than I know myself. I think God seems me for more than a suit and tie or lack of same. And the “people attend Mass in bathing suits” argument fails on its premise. People simply don’t do this, at least not in numbers big enough to make sweeping pronouncements about bare arms and floor-length skirts.

So to Grape and others - think before you speak. It is most definitely NOT “clear that God is extremely unhappy with the way we present ourselves”. Shorts are not immoral, you may choose not to wear them (at all?) but don’t denigrate others. Be “shocked” if you want, but don’t distract others from their Faith.
Thank you. Some of those posts hurt. I’m a new Catholic and I came to the Church mainly BECAUSE of the Real Presence and now I’m being told if I don’t dress a certain way that indicates I don’t believe in it. That’s quite confusing.

It really doesn’t matter anyway. I respect people’s opinions and I think we are all agreed that we should be clean and modest and not judge each other…but I’m not going to be scolded into doing something simply because someone tried to nag me into doing it.

dream wanderer
Ok. Now you’ve done it. LOL! Forcing The Grape to get out the “big guns.”

Here’s a Catechism review:

According to the catechism text, This is the Faith: a Complete Explanation of the Catholic Faith, by Canon Francis J. Ripley, who is priest of the Catholic Missionary Society; text Imprimatured, many of you are in danger of breaking the Sixth Commandment through immodesty.

On page 89 and 90 of This is The Faith, Father Canon Ripley writes,

"In addition to adultery, the Sixth Commandment forbids all sins of impurity. “For know you this and understand, that no fornicator, or unclean, or covetous person (which is the serving of idols) had inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.” (Eph. 5:5). “Ambition was the sin of the Angels, avarise the sin of men, impurity th sin of the beast,” St. Bernard used to say. The great Saints of God went to extraordinary lengths to preserve their purity. St. Benedict rolled in the briars; St. Francis of Assisi rolled in the snow; St. Bernard plunged into a pond.

Thus, the Sixth Comandment forbits immodesty in:
a). LOOKS: The eyes are the windows of the soul and immodest looks, e.g., at pictures, scantily clothed people, etc., are dangerous and therefore forbidden.
b) WORDS: “But now put you all away: anger, indignation, malice, blasphemy, filthy speech out of your mouth” (Col: 3:8). An immodest tongue is the devil’s carriage because it carries souls to Hell for him. With our lips we are meant to praise God forever, for all eternity. How wrong it is, therefore, to defile them now by impure talk, which often involves the souls of others in sin!
c)ACTIONS: Alone or with others.
It is obvious form what has been said that immodest dances, songs, books, pictures, plays, movies, TV shows, and websites are all forbidden by the Sixth Commandment. The question is often asked about the immorality of viewing nudity in art museums, or even in the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. True art is never suggestive to impurity, objectively speaking. Hence, viewing true are is justified and edifying, so long as the viewer is spiritually mature enough to do so without turning such viewing into an occasion of sin."

continued …
continued … pg. 89 of This is the Faith:

The following are some causes of impurity, against which we must be on guard at all times:
  1. Pride. “Pride goeth before destruction: and the spirit is lifted up before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18).
  2. Idleness. “Idlenes hath taught much evil.” (Ecclus 33:29).
  3. Bad books, bad entertainment, and bad company. “Evil communication corrupt good manners.” (1 Cor 15:33).
  4. Immodesty of dress – a very common cause of iimpurity in these times of mixed swimming and sun bathing, as well as the movies.
  5. Excess in eating and drinking.
  6. Failure of watchfulness over the senses. “Gaze not upon a maiden, lest her beauty be a stumbling block to thee.” (Ecclus. 9:5) “Many have perished by the beauty of a woman; and hereby lust is enkindled as a fire.” (Ecclus 9:9)."
-Canon Francis Ripley.

We are bound not only to avoid sins of impurity in our own hearts, but we are also bound not to lead other people into sin by immodest dress, which can include hip huggers, tank tops, mini skirts, or shorts (for men).

Decide for yourselves. This is the truth.
I’ll just add one more thing. How to Remedy sins of impurity. Same book. This is the Faith by Canon Francis Ripley, page 90. He writes:

“The remedies for impurity are principally: 1) frequent Confessoin and Holy Communion 2)prayer, especially to Our lady, and especially her Rosary 3) mortification 4) promptness in resisting the first attacks of temptation by turning away to something else and also 6) the steadfast avoiding of any danger to the virtue of purity, especially persons, places, and literature that easily lead one into these sins.”

And with this, I rest my case.
I plead guilty to laziness. I wear a coat and tie to work every weekday (including daily Mass) and would never think of wearing anything else, but on weekends I have fallen into the polo-shirt-and-khakis trap. I have tried to compromise by at least wearing a blazer over my polo shirt to Mass, and to avoid hypocrisy this is how I voted (#2).
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