Sam Maloney:

I feel I must agree with you…I prefer to dress for Mass but sometimes my sons… who work and go to college must come to Mass in their work clothes…the way I see it is they are clean covered and coming to Mass.This is completely cultural: in my community, no one wears a suit to work, very few wear ties, almost none of the men own suits: in fact, at a recent funeral, I was the only person in a jacket except for one of the deceased’s sons.
In these parts, to wear a coat and tie to mass would be to call undue attention to yourself. In the summer we have a large percentage of tourists, including some who are traveling by bicycle, and I’d hate for any of them to feel they were ‘unworthy’ of attending mass due to their dress…
So long as modest, reasonably clean, and not intended to offend or titilate, I see no excuse to critisize how people dress.